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Brand Identity
& Graphic Design
Logo's, Naming Service, Business Cards, Social Media Brand assets and more for Chicago area businesses and start ups

Brand Identity
& Graphic Design
Logo's, Naming Service, Business Cards, Social Media Brand assets and more for Chicago area businesses and start ups

Trump scores a KNOCKOUT in a fair fight. The Fake News has been lying to us & twisting the truth...
Did you know…what the democrates were doing when COVID first arrived?
First lady delivers a truth bomb.
Did you know...
Biden’s chief of staff during H1N1 (Ron Klain) said,
“It is purely a fortuity that this isn’t one of the great mass casualty events in American history. It had nothing to do with us doing anything right. It just had to do with luck."
Did you ALSO know…that is who Biden has set to oversee his COVID response?
And did you know...everything of significance in Bidens proposed "COVID plan", has already been done by Trump?
Did you know...
hypocrit leftist “Woke” NYC Mayor Deblasio says no celebrations or church, but of course COVID rules don’t apply to protests?!
Did you know…
COVID rules do not apply to anyythig the left approves of (such as riots & Biden celebration)T?
The same hypocrits who mocked Trump rallies as "super spreaders" took to the streets in cities across America.
Did you know…
the mask-shaming maskless mayor of Chicago celebrated in the streets & the NEXT day canceled Thanksgiving due to COVID?
Did you know…
Chicago has one of the BIGGEST hypocrite Mayors who tinks the rulles she makes don't apply to her?
Did you know…
Chicago Mayor said if you break lockdown rules, she will treat you like a crimal and lock you up?
Did you know...
after threatening others tto OBEY lockdown rules or get arrested Mayor Lightfoot got her haircut (a non essentiiall buusiness at the time) amid social distancing orders...and when caughht she said, "she was the face of Chicago" and "Takes he personal hygiein seriouusly?
Left uses the Fake News to spread lies & disinformation
They changed their tune when it started "showing up in the polls" that it might help Trump (just like they denied the riots...until it started showing up in the polls)...
Pro or anti was what "the science" says we need to get our lives back. Funny how now Biden is trying to take credit from his fake podium.
Did you know…COVID tests are only 50% accurate and can report both false positives and false negatives?
Elon Musk calls BULLSHIT on COVID tests.
Did you know...
Did you know…Democratic Governors Praised Trump On Response To Coronavirus and it was the left who politicized a GLOBAL pandemic?
Until they realized it would help Trump in election Dems PRAISED & tanked Trump & team for CV19 response. This is another SICK vote manipulation left-lie.
Watch & listen to their own words...
Did you know...
who was really “ignoring the virus”?
Asking for a friend…
With all the misinformation & misreported COVID deaths, I wondered how COVID effected the overall deaths in the USA versus recent years. So, I researched and verified the stats myself
Even as the USA population increases by about .6% year-to-year -
The TOTAL USA deaths in 2020 are on pace to be over 100,000 LESS than both 2018 and 2019
CDC attributes about 6% (roughly 12,000 of 200,000) USA “COVID” deaths to COVID ONLY with ALL other “COVID” deaths having MORE than 2 other conditions.
2020 USA population 331,002651 / 2,033,736 total 2020 USA deaths (As of sept 24 - 2,711,648 pace)
2019 USA population 329,064,917 / 2,855,000 total 2019 USA deaths
2018 USA population 327,096,265 / 2,839,205 total 2018 USA deaths
Did you know...
an undercover nurse (former military) exposed COVID scams at NYC Elmhurst Hospital?
What really happened to patients. Mixing + and- patients. Imposing DNR, against family wishes.
Did you know…
That around the world peopel are suffering strange lockdown rules and
The police in Italy stand with the people against COVID rules that are destroying them
Did you know…
conservatives believe we need personal responsibility…NOT MORE COVID RULES
Did you know…
conservatives believe schools shoulld be open?
Did you know…
Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot makes very CRINGE worthy messages that are straight up goofy like tis one on “science”?
And she makes time for this while crime iin Chicago skyroockets?
Did you know...
that while president Trump was stopping travel from China & putting together a COVID taskforce...the left was putting him tthrough a fake impeachment based on what we now know was a flase dossier?
Posted March 13, 2020 in Politics , Source: breitbart,
COVID-19 TIMELINE: Dems Pushed IMPEACHMENT During Initial COVID-19 Outbreak.
In fighting President Trump at every chance they can get, some Democrats have made it very clear that even a pandemic isn’t immune to their disgusting partisan tactics.
Whether it be accusing President Trump of being a racist for his travel bans, or calling him “imcompetent” for his response to the virus, Democrats are doing everything they can do to project the blame on to anyone but themselves for their mishandling of the issue. They blame Trump for COVID, even though he was receiving praise from all governors (even dems) for always delivering whatever they needed. They praise Coumo as a “success story” for CoVID even though he was responsible for putting COVID positive patents in elderly homes which caused the largest amount of American deaths.
A look at the chronological order of events proves without a doubt that Democrats didn't give a damn about the Coronavirus until they felt they could use it against President Trump.
January 11: Chinese state media report the first known death from an illness originating in the Wuhan market.
January 15: Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) holds a vote to send articles of impeachment to the Senate. Pelosi and House Democrats celebrate the “solemn” occasion with a signing ceremony, using commemorative pens.
January 21: The first person with coronavirus arrives in the United States from China, where he had been in Wuhan.
January 23: The House impeachment managers make their opening arguments for removing President Trump.
January 23: China closes off the city of Wuhan completely to slow the spread of coronavirus to the rest of China.
January 30: Senators begin asking two days of questions of both sides in the president’s impeachment trial.
January 30: The World Health Organization declares a global health emergency as coronavirus continues to spread.
January 31: The Senate holds a vote on whether to allow further witnesses and documents in the impeachment trial.
January 31: President Trump declares a national health emergency and imposes a ban on travel to and from China. Former Vice President Joe Biden calls Trump’s decision “hysterical xenophobia … and fear-mongering.”
February 2: The first death from coronavirus outside China is reported in the Philippines.
February 3: House impeachment managers begin closing arguments, calling Trump a threat to national security.
February 4: President Trump talks about coronavirus in his State of the Union address; Pelosi rips up every page.
February 5: The Senate votes to acquit President Trump on both articles of impeachment, 52-48 and 53-47.
February 5: House Democrats finally take up coronavirus in the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Asia.
It took a mind-numbing twenty days after the first death from the virus had been reported for the Democrats to even address the issue in Congress because of their sham impeachment articles. For even more reference, President Trump had introduced travel restrictions to China all the way back on January 31st.
Most of President Trump’s efforts to fight the virus have resulted like the others, with endless attacks. After the quick and decisive decision to issue travel restrictions on China, Democratic Presidential candidate Joe Biden predictably criticized Trump for his efforts.
“This is not time for Donald Trump’s record of hysteria and xenophobia - hysterical xenophobia and fear mongering,” he said.
Not only have Democrats shown complete disdain towards taking responsibility for maintaining the virus, but they have also used the emergency to push their own disgusting agendas.
Weeks ago, Bloomberg among many other Democrats claimed that President Trump slashed funding to the CDC, despite a $500 million dollar increase in funding from the previous year.
White House officials also revealed that, while meeting the Secretary of Treasury to discuss the Coronavirus, Nancy Pelosi had discussed provisions that could’ve resulted in upwards of one billion dollars in taxpayer funding going to clinics who perform abortions.
As Democrats and those in the media continue to criticize every move made by his administration, Trump is busy getting work done to help Americans, and he has been doing so for weeks practically unacknowledged.
Did you know...President Trump was always pushing for schools to open as worldwide it has been proven to be extremely low risk? He often says, "The 'cure' cannot be worse than the disease"
Illinois residence plead with Gov. Prtiizker to OPEN OUR SCHOOLS & BUSINESSES
Published on Oct. 22, 2020
Did you know…
Pfizer delayed the announcement of a vaccine until after the election?
Did you know…
Pfizer first denied being a part of Trumps Operation Warp Speed...even when they took $1.5B?
Did you know…
Trump's "Favorite nations" pricing saved Americans $$$, but really angered big pharma?
Did you know...
the left praised Trumps virus response & later attacked him?
Did you know...
Jan 21st, first case of COVID-19 in America
Jan 26th Fauci says COVID-19 “It isn’t something the American People need to worry about, or be frightened about”
Jan 31st Trump stops travel from China against advice of Fauci - Biden, Media and Left call Trump a “Racist” and “fear mongered”
Feb 24, 2020, Speaker Pelosi Visits SF's Chinatown Amid Coronavirus Fear
March 8th 2020: Fauci says:” There's no reason to be walking around with a mask," infectious disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci told 60 Minutes.
April 13th Fauci CONTRADICTS himself by saying the US should have shut down quicker
Did you know…
NYC Gov. Cuomo's response to groundbreaking COVID-19 vaccine was that it was "bad news" as it came 2 months too early...showing just how much he REALLY cares about human lives?
Did you know…
NYC Gov. Cuomo and several other liberal Govs were responsible for nearly half the COVID deaths due to putting COVID positive patients back in nursing homes where the most vurneral people were?
Did you know…
that inspite of being grossly negligent of ignoring national guidellines regarding eldery care, the mainstream media praised Coumo for his COVID response?
Did you know…
that the 10th ammendment preserves a balance of powers, and is why things like COVID response and policicng are governed at a local level? And that is why President Trump had to wait to be asked to bring in federal help on either issues?
Did you know…
Cuomo on camera praised the Trump administrations COVID response until it "started showing up in the polls"?
NOVEMBER 11, 2020
Did you know…
Biden = another lockdown
Trump = reopening our economy & lives
If you head the country towards another lockdown… it would be devastating
AGAIN..."The 'cure' cannot be worse than the disease"
Did you know…
Doctors agree…Kids should go back to school
Did you know…
ROUND 2 of loney left COVID Lockdown Guidelines have begun?
Did you know…
Biden wants Mandatory Vaccines?
Did you know…
Democrate speaker of the house Commrade Nancy Pelosi also broke her own lockdown rules to get a haircut...and demand an appolgy from salon owner who busted her?
Here in USA the mob and media:
say protests which include riots, looting vandalism and destruction of public and private property is ENCOURAGED. As it is “historic” and is NOT responsible for COVID spread. But all other types of gathering are either illegal or discouraged and shameful because you will kill people by spreading COVID
believe America is “systemically racist” and therefore it is OK to tear down and spray paint anything the mob doesn’t like
All white people are bad (even kids) and they should give up property and rights to others
Only mobs/protesters who take over zones like CHOP (a 6 block are in Seattle - I assume you know about this?) should be able to arm themselves. But militarizing police or citizens with registered LEGAL firearms are criminal.
The liberal cities here (LA, NYC, Portland, Chicago…) want to dismantle and “defund police” (That is a BIG thing here right now….they want to get rid of local police because again that sets up one-world order military police. So they are taking away police rights and acting as if all police are criminals (because of George Floyd death). Our big cities have “catch and release”policy where they spend no time in jail and zero bail bond…totally crazy but totally true.
They do not want to let kids go to school even though kids are shown not to be at risk and are not shown to be spreaders either …and kids getting COVID and getting over it will help build herd ammunity.
attack Trump no matter what he does they say he is not credited for anything good, but gets ALL blame for anything bad.
It is complete bananas!!!!
He stopped travel from China, inacted the defense production act, virus taskforce. At first Democrate Govs PRAISED the Trump administration reponse...until it started "showing up in the polls" that it might help Trump
Biden National Mask Mandate
Always protected for TAX PAYERS, not illegals...
They make outrageous COVID rules they don't follow...and laugh. Which Hunger Games district do you think you're in?
Trump has ALWAYS said pre-existing conditions will be covered. Trump has a LONG list of accomplishments even though he was under constant attack. He hasn;t rolled out a full ealthcare solution yet, but he has made BIG improvements to horrible OBAMACARE. 1. You can get short term insurance cheaper 2. Drug costs down due to Trumps "favorite nations" bill so Big pharma has to give us the best price 3. Trump has saved lives with the "right to try" bill for terminally ill to try experimental drugs.
Dr Rashid Buttar Uncovers Possible Dystopian Plans in Canada:
Nov 14, 2020
Dr Rashid Buttar receives a letter that claims to be a leaked plan from Canada to forgive everyone's debts, put them on universal basic income or face concentration camps for non compliance with the COVID fraud.
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