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Wonder how #MaliaObama got $9M in her bank?


Were the Obamas #Hunting too?


#Hunting = extorting $ from illegal influence peddling





US Military casualties in the war in Afghanistan:


Bush: 630

Obama: 1758

Trump: 63


Thank you DJT for winding this war down.






The Pre-pandemic Trump administration had achieved the lowest unemployment rate (especially for minorities ad women).

During the pandemic, unemployment is roughly 10%

During Obamas 2 terms it stayed stagnate at about 10%



Obama took us from 2 wars to 7

He dropped so may bombs that the US military literally ran out.

Rather than ignite a war in North Korea, Trump de-escalated the situation & bartered peace with Kim Jong-un.

Foreign leaders (Norwegian) nominated Trump for a Nobel Peace Prize after he was instrumental in brokering peace in the Middle East.



Obama did nothing to stop N1H1

Even democratic governors (who NOW play arm-chair-quarterback, harshly and wrongly criticize Trump) praised Trump's decisive responsiveness to COVID19



Obama did NOTHING to help the minority community and in fact, was responsible for policies that saw record numbers of minorities unfairly incarcerated for non-violent crimes.

Trump reversed that policy, set-up long term funding for historically black colleges, created “opportunity funds” which are tax-advantaged investments that help underserved communities, and pre-pandemic had record unemployment stats for minorities and women.


Obama single handily let 1.5M families lose their homes while banks benefited



Obama accuses Trump of being the most “divisive” President while he and other democratic leaders, actually call for unrest in the streets.  Encourage “peaceful protest/riots” with policy (democratic run cities have Soros funded prosecutors who catch & release rioters) by ignoring its existence, funding it (via BLM, & bail funds).

After polls show that voters are becoming intolerant of the riots/protests the left then blames Trump for the violence.  Conservatives are not the ones on the streets destroying public ad private property and the 10th amendment protects the rights of states to govern issues like the pandemic response, and local policing.  Trump can only OFFER federal aid (which he ALWAYS has), but our U.S. Constitution demands that aid must be requested by the individual state governances.



The safety of our cities is at risk with the left who are destroying cities, businesses and lives.

The “mostly peaceful protests” #riots, are funded and not spontaneous.

- Many of the same people are found at various locations across the country

- The “protesters” apparently don’t work and have months and months to “protest” every day

- Without jobs, someone is paying for the commercial-grade fireworks, bricks, and maltov cocktails that are being thrown at police and property

Wonder what "sex at the Obamas" was all about?

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