BY HEALTH RANGER // 2020-11-23
GA Gov. Kemp and CA Gov. Newsom bought off by communist China in covid supplies kickback and money laundering schemes
In July of this year, Natural News reported how California Gov. Gavin Newsom was caught wiring half a billion dollars to communist China as part of a “massive face mask money laundering scheme.” Back in April, even the mainstream media was questioning what Newsom was up to when it was revealed that he had wired half a billion dollars to an electric car company in China to supposedly purchase “N-95 masks” for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19).
This decision was never voted on or approved by legislators, and when pressed about the details of the deal, Newsom refused to disclose them. Keep in mind that this half a billion dollars was just the first of two installments amounting to a full billion dollars being sent China to supposedly purchase face masks for Californians – face masks that never actually arrived, by the way.
As of this writing, the Chinese electric car company in question, BYD, still has the money and has yet to send over a single face mask.
Now, bombshell information is emerging that indicates Georgia Gov. Kemp may be involved in exactly the same scheme. These state officials send huge amounts of money to China under the cover of buying “covid supplies,” then China launders the money into financial kickbacks for the Governor’s family members or business entities.
This is exactly what is now being alleged by attorney Lin Wood, and it describes a shocking pattern of communist Chinese infiltration and corruption of U.S. governors. (See the full interview posted below.) Listen at 6:17 as Lin Wood explains: I believe that Brian Kemp is corrupt, and I think he was corrupted with Chinese money. And I don’t think he wants this election overthrown and the real results posted because then Brian Kemp is going to be facing a Trump administration Attorney General, and Brian Kemp would find himself in jail. It’s that simple. He sold himself out, now he’s trying to hide to try to get this election validated even though it’s illegal, because if it’s invalidated.
Brian Kemp and a lot of other Georgia people are in trouble, including the Secretary of State. Also, at the 17:00 mark: I’m a defamation lawyer. I have stated publicly that Brian Kemp and Raffensperger are corrupt and they took money from the Chinese on the Covid deal and on the Dominion voting deal. I bet you anything Brian Kemp won’t sue me for defamation. Because he knows if he did, he’d go into court, I’d have discovery, and I would prove that he did it, that it’s true.
Other indy (independent) media sources are also reporting that the Trump administration, via the NSA, has proof of the financial transactions that show Kemp and Raffensperger taking bribery money from communist China. Trump was waiting for Kemp and Raffensperger to complete the crime of “certifying” Georgia’s voting results before moving against them for criminal fraud and corruption.
We are now hearing that communist China ran a web of financial kickbacks and bribes to multiple governors and state officials across America, including California and Georgia, with many other states soon to follow. In every case, governors and state officials transferred huge sums of money to Chinese front companies for “Covid supplies” that were either never delivered, or delivered as low-cost, low-quality items nowhere near the stated value.
A portion of the extra funds was paid back to family members and specially structured business entities connected to the state officials, giving them control over the illicit funds. We fully expect Oregon Gov. Kate Brown to soon be implicated in this same criminal corruption scheme. NY Gov. Cuomo is likely also involved This story is developing, and more information will be emerging this week. Expect criminal indictments soon. Hear the full interview from the John Fredericks Show here:
Editor’s Note: The above story has been blocked on all social media. (Facebook, Twitters, etc). It’s being published here as an independent source for information. Please consider passing this information to patriot friends. I will also publish this to Parler.com. Thank you. let’s not let the MSM, corrupt politicians and deep state members steal this sacred election. Thank you. Original Source
Newsom's secretive $1 billion mask deal with Chinese company sparks bipartisan concerns By John Myers, Los Angeles Times 4/20/2020 Newsom's secretive $1 billion mask deal with Chinese company sparks bipartisan concerns SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Gov. Gavin Newsom‘s decision to spend almost $1 billion in taxpayer funds to buy protective masks drew national attention as an aggressive move by California to solve one of the most nagging problems of the coronavirus crisis.
But almost two weeks after he announced the deal during a cable TV interview, very few details have been disclosed. The governor’s advisers have so far declined requests for information about the agreement with BYD, the Chinese electric car manufacturer hired to produce the masks, though the state has already wired the company the first installment of $495 million.
Newsom, who has been praised for his efforts to slow the spread of the disease, bristled on Saturday at suggestions that his administration has been too slow to explain a deal that will cost California taxpayers 30% more than his January budget would spend on infectious disease prevention for an entire fiscal year. “I’m for outcome here,” Newsom shot back when asked by a reporter about withholding the contract’s details. “Some are consumed by process, personality, intrigue. Who’s up, who’s down. We are for actually solving a major, major problem — not only for the state but potentially a template for the country.”
But a bipartisan chorus of concerns has emerged in the Legislature. Lawmakers have grown increasingly frustrated that the governor’s advisers have asked only for expedited approval to spend money without briefing them on what has been agreed to.
“I must emphasize, that’s a big deal,” GOP state Sen. Jim Nielsen of Gerber said of the agreement during a legislative oversight hearing Thursday. “And what is in the contract that ensures the deliverability — timely — is going to be really, really important. At the least, we cannot be just throwing out a false hope to people.”
BYD, a Shenzhen-based company whose initials stand for “Build Your Dreams,” has staked its reputation on building electric vehicles. It has a U.S. subsidiary based in Los Angeles, with a vehicle manufacturing facility in Lancaster. The company currently employs about 1,000 people in California, a company spokesman said.
Exactly how BYD has converted some of its manufacturing efforts in China to begin producing protective masks is unclear. On March 13, it touted the creation of “the world’s largest mass-produced face masks plant” in a news release posted on the company’s website. The company announced that it would make 5 million masks a day — far surpassing the 100 million masks a month promised by 3M, the company best known for producing N95 masks, used to help prevent the spread of the coronavirus.
A spokesman for BYD referred all questions about negotiations over the purchase of masks to Newsom’s office.
Newsom and other top officials have described the gambit as straightforward: Leverage the state government’s purchasing power, backed up by a multibillion-dollar cash surplus, to buy 200 million masks a month. The masks would then be distributed to health care and emergency workers across California, a supply chain that would continue through the end of June.
Administration officials have said that each monthly shipment from BYD will contain 150 million N95 masks and 50 million surgical masks.
“We made a big, bold bet on a new strategy, and it is bearing fruit,” Newsom said on April 8.
That same day, the Los Angeles Times asked for a copy of the contract to purchase the masks. An administration official said the request was forwarded to Newsom’s legal affairs team, which has not responded to the request.
BYD is well known in California government circles. In 2013, then-Gov. Jerry Brown announced the company’s decision to build electric buses in Southern California during a trade mission to China. It was a key component of the state’s efforts to reduce greenhouse gases, he said.
“I think it’s very important that we start replacing the bus fleet with electric buses,” Brown said during a tour of BYD’s Shenzhen facility.
But there were criticisms of BYD’s work in California. Problems with some of the company’s electric buses were chronicled in a Times investigation in 2018. The former chief counsel of a competing company said in a 2013 letter to Long Beach officials that BYD had “a history of overpromising and underdelivering.”
Workplace conditions have also come under scrutiny. California safety officials investigated the BYD facility four times between the summer of 2014 and last spring, according to records reviewed by the Times, alleging 20 different workplace violations.
Among the violations alleged at the Lancaster electric car plant last year were errors in the proper use of respirators — safety masks — for its employees.
A company spokesman declined to comment on any of the workplace citations because of pending legal action.
In the years since it set up shop in California, BYD has quietly but steadily ramped up its governmental and political presence. The company has spent more than $1 million lobbying state officials since 2014 and made a $50,000 contribution to the 2018 ballot measure campaign to keep in place California’s new taxes on gas and diesel sales.
In 2015, the Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development awarded BYD a $3 million tax credit to expand its manufacturing in California to other kinds of electric vehicles. But the company forfeited more than $1 million of the incentive.
“The tax credit was based on an optimistic business forecast that was ultimately revised,” company spokesman Frank Girardot said in an email.
The announcement of new mask production by BYD leadership in China came at just the right moment for California, as the Newsom administration scrambled for protective gear while cases of the novel coronavirus began to mount.
“Look, we’ve been competing against other states, against other nations, against our own federal government” for safety equipment, Newsom told MSNBC host Rachel Maddow on April 7. “We’re not waiting around any longer.”
The next day, the governor’s director of emergency services, Mark Ghilarducci, told reporters that BYD’s California-based subsidiary was key to the $990 million deal.
“This is an organization that has a manufacturing capability that is specifically designed to meet this need,” Ghilarducci said, citing BYD’s operations in China.
But almost immediately, lawmakers wondered why the Newsom administration wouldn’t allow them to review the contract before asking for the first payment to BYD.
“We would never approve a budget this way,” Democratic Assemblyman Phil Ting of San Francisco, chairman of the Assembly Budget Committee, said in an interview April 9, two days after the deal was announced. “The whole reason we don’t do a budget one request at a time is we want to know the big picture.”
That same day, a letter from the Joint Legislative Budget Committee demanded details including the performance standards expected of BYD, the price per mask and delivery timelines. But none of those specifics have, so far, been provided to legislators.
On April 13, three days after the initial $495 million payment, Ghilarducci said that the state was still “in the final negotiation phases” and that the agreement would be kept private until that process was complete.
Three days later, Newsom advisers offered a different explanation. During testimony before a special state Senate budget hearing examining the pandemic’s impact on California’s economy and government finances, lawmakers were told that revealing the contract’s details too soon could mean someone else — not California — might get the masks. Similar problems have arisen in other states, including seizures of supplies by the federal government.
“We have concerns about releasing too many details of it because, again, our goal is to get the supply into California for the people who need it,” said Tina Curry, deputy director of the Governor’s Office of Emergency Services. “There are a lot of things that could come into play to disrupt that, to influence that or interfere with that in some way.”
During a taped appearance on “The Ellen DeGeneres Show” that aired Friday, Newsom voiced similar concerns.
“We haven’t yet seen the benefits of those efforts,” he said of the mask purchase. “I’m not holding my breath. We have backups to that backup.”
On Saturday, while visiting Santa Clara County to discuss efforts to help COVID-19 patients who are homeless, Newsom insisted the BYD contract is complete and that he’s revealed an “appropriate” amount of information given the difficulty in actually getting protective gear to its final destination.
“I recognize everybody’s desire to have everything out there tomorrow,” he said. “And we look forward to all those details becoming public very, very shortly.”
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Exclusive: Gov. Newsom’s BYD Mask Deal Profitable for Insider Dealmakers
Lobbyists don’t report procurement contracts, and gov officials stonewalling on public information
By Katy Grimes, May 28, 2020 6:28 am
New details are emerging about Gov. Gavin Newsom’s $1.4 Billion deal for masks with BYD, a Chinese electric bus maker that is now manufacturing N95 masks. However, during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic the deal has soured, as the masks failed to meet national safety and health standards. The governor told media that the federal government held up his mask shipment, but in fact, the federal government said Newsom’s Chinese masks failed safety and health standards. The masks the Chinese company delivered failed to get the approval of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. Standard surgical masks are also part of the order. If that is not clear enough, this is the word salad that Brian Ferguson, the deputy director for crisis communication and public affairs for the Governor’s Office of Emergency Services, served to The Epoch Times on May 8: “The masks didn’t fail a test, but rather did not pass certification yet.” BYD’s contract with the Newsom administration was kept hidden from state legislators and the media since the deal was struck in April, on the heels of the even stranger mask deal with Blue Flame Medical LLC – a company only recently formed by former political consultants seeking to capitalize on the coronavirus pandemic. In March, California wired $456.9 million to Blue Flame Medical LLC for millions of masks. But once it was revealed that the state of California wired the nearly $500 million dollars for masks to a company that had been in business for three days, the state demanded its money back. California Globe learned from a source that minutes after the money was wired to Blue Flame Medical LLC, the State Controller’s office received a call from the bank warning that the bank account the money was wired to had only been opened the day before. As California Globe reported, the governor’s office initially refused to disclose either contract to lawmakers and journalists. What was BYD offering that was different from Blue Flame, since neither company had any prior experience manufacturing masks, and why was the outlay of upfront money less with Blue Flame? The Governor’s BYD $1.4 billion contract is looking like well-connected insider trading. The Build Your Dreams company, BYD, is based in Shenzen, China. The electric bus manufacturer has a California subsidiary in Lancaster, where it employs 1,000 people. California Globe has uncovered a trail of well-connected players in the odd $1.4 billion mask deal which seems to lead up to the cabinet level inside the governor’s office. The prominent lobbyist who represents BYD is Mark Weideman of The Weideman Group. The governor’s campaign received $40,000 from BYD’s automotive division. Weideman also represents Bloom Energy, a fuel cell manufacturer in San Jose, which recently retooled its facility to rehabilitate ventilators for COVID-19 patients. Weideman also represents NextGen America, owned by Tom Steyer, Newsom’s economic recovery committee chairman whose failed presidential campaign petered out in late February. California Globe called and emailed Weideman to ask about the BYD contract. A phone call placed to his office at 1:07 pm May 19, 2020 did not receive a response. A follow-up email sent to Weideman via his company website May 25th also did not receive a response. Mark Weideman’s wife is Jennifer Wada, an attorney who now has a government relations business – Wada Government Relations Group. It is not common knowledge even among Sacramento insiders that Wada and Weideman are married. Wada previously was a partner in Wada, Williams Law Group. Her former law partner is Anthony Williams, who is now Gov. Newsom’s Legislative Affairs Secretary, although news reports from 2018 also called Williams Newsom’s “chief lobbyist.” Anthony Williams was a senior adviser for former Democratic state Senate leaders John Burton and Darrell Steinberg, and lobbied for the Judicial Counsel of California and the State Bar. A source said the governor was able to pivot so quickly from the bad Blue Flame Medical deal to BYD because of the connections between Weideman, Wada and Williams. In the email California Globe sent, we asked Weidemen about these close connections, and if the deal came together because of Weideman, Wada and Williams. “Newsom and his aides singled out BYD-America, which manufactures electric buses in Lancaster and has been a beneficiary of California’s efforts to combat climate change,” CalMatters reported April 8, 2020. “Mark Ghilarducci, Newsom’s director of the Office of Emergency Services, said BYD has a direct reachback into China to be able to build a sustainable amount of monthly masks that will be coming in to assist us.’” BYD America is a subsidiary of BYD China. As for “Gov Newsom and his aides singled out BYD-America…” Anthony Williams is one of Newsom’s top level aides, as this organizational chart of the governor’s office shows (Williams is at the far right, below First Partner Jennifer Newsom’s staff). Governor Gavin Newsom’s office organizational chart. (gov.ca.gov)Procurement Payola: the Financial Incentive Lobbyists are allowed to take a percentage of procurement contracts they are involved with, which can run as high as 15-20%, according to a source. With all of the other financial disclosures lobbyists are required to report, a lobbyist clarified for us why the procurement deals are not required reporting: When lobbyists are attempting to influence legislation or lawmakers, financial disclosures are required. Procurement deals and contracts are not influencing legislation or lawmakers, therefore, these deals are not reportable. Did Anthony Williams, Gov. Newsom’s “chief Lobbyist” and Legislative Secretary, facilitate the BYD deal? Did he receive a cut of the deal? California Globe placed two phone calls to the Governor’s office to speak with Williams, but did not receive a response back. The first call on May 22 went unanswered. The second call on May 27, 2020, was answered after 14 minutes on hold, at 10:27 am. The receptionist said she would not transfer the call to his voicemail, and suggested emailing Mr. Williams’ assistant Tammy Trinh. The email to Anthony Williams’ assistant was sent at 10:48 am. The Globe has yet to receive a reply to any of these inquiries. “Although the company, BYD, is a major global player in the electric vehicle and lithium battery markets, it also has glaring red flags on its record, experts warn, including a history of supplying allegedly faulty products to the U.S., ties to the Chinese military and Communist Party, and possible links to forced labor,” Vice reported. “BYD also has no history of making personal protective equipment, and yet days after the FDA approval, it secured a $1 billion deal to supply masks to California.” When Gov. Newsom made the deals to purchase $1 Billion worth of masks from BYD, it was “to combat a growing need for masks in California and to secure them before other states and countries sign similar deals,” California Globe reported. The question is “Why did he make this deal?” “The number of COVID-19 deaths have been much less than the 750 total deaths that occur every day in California,” Epidemiologists James Enstrom and Jeffrey Klausner said in an Orange County Register article mid-April. “Furthermore, there is evidence that there have been substantial reductions in the deaths due to seasonal flu, pneumonia and accidents because of the almost exclusive focus on COVID-19 and the current statewide lockdown.” California Globe, with help from Dana Point Attorney Craig Alexander, filed California Public Records Requests in April with Gov. Gavin Newsom and the involved agencies for the contract the governor made with Chinese company BYD for 200 million surgical masks. Office of Emergency Services eventually made the contract public.