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Writer's picture: Ms. Red White & BlueMs. Red White & Blue

Updated: Dec 21, 2020


Big media & big tech are not our friends & have been censoring everything including medical advice from REAL doctors in favor of MEDICAL advice from a TECH giant, like Bill Gates.  Why?  Why are we ONLY allowed to share information from the CDC and WHO, especially when they kept getting it wrong?

Did you know the CCP tells its people the Dalai Lama is evil and COVID came from the USA?

Can you understand the CCP owns the tech and media in China and therefore feeds the people only ONE narrative that THEY want them to believe?  Have you ever heard a former spy like Yuri Bezmenov, explain what communist “subversion” is?

Did you know the FBI confirmed they’ve had an active investigation on presidential candidate Biden since 2019, and the US media STILL are not reporting on it AT ALL?

Even though there is audio, video, images, emails, texts, phone calls, documents, and credible witnesses…this information is ALL being suppressed.  First the “media” claimed it was just “Russian misinformation”…but the FBI and DOJ CONFIRMED that is NOT TRUE.  Now they claim it’s just a “smear job” by Trump.  Even if you dismiss his former partners testimony to the FBI, how could Trump fabricate Hunters laptop?  What about the porn & drug abuse videos & photos - some he filmed himself and some filmed secretly by the CCP for leverage?  What about all the text and recorded calls from Bidens own phone?  Why has the media not reported one WORD of it?  Why aren’t they even asking ANY questions

Joe Biden said in the last debate that he and his son had not made money “on this thing China”….but that is a lie.   Why did only ONE cable network interview the Bidens former business partner Tony Bobulinski who came forward to confirm that Joe Biden is lying and he WAS involved?

If even a FRACTION is true, Joe Biden is totally compromised.

How can we have a president that is in the pocket of Communist China?

Are we ready for President Kamala?

Are you ready to give up our great republic in favor of socialism or globalism?

There is madness everywhere and it can be very hard to grasp it all and sort fact-from-fiction.  I may have fallen for some fiction myself. 

So, let’s think about a series of questions…

Is it strange that all the unrest, chaos, and destruction around the WORLD began with COVID which came from China?

Do you find it strange how much Biden defends China (Like in this video)?   And that he did trade deals with them that were so bad for the US and US workers?

Did you know Trump stood up to China, brought hundreds of businesses back to the US, and revived the  US economy  well beyond anything his predecessor thought possible…..without a “magic wand.”?

Do you really think Trump wanted to tank the US economy he built just before an election?

Do you think Trump wants the chaos in the streets?

Or do you think Trump wants to bring in federal help to stop the “woke” criminals who are burning, vandalizing, and looting our cities?

Why are Democratic leaders (where all the rioting is taking place) refusing law enforcement federal help?

Did you know the 10th amendment protects the balance of powers, and as such state Governors and Mayors are in charge at the local level for issues like COVID and policing?

Did you know, to ASSURE a separation of powers, STATE GOVERNORS must REQUEST Federal help before Trump and federal government can step in to quell the unrest?

Why wouldn’t Governors and Mayors want to stop the violence in these Democratic run cities where ALL the mayhem has happened?

Is it possible they expected to bail out poorly managed states by requesting additional “COVID” relief from the feds for all the “COVID” destruction?

Did you know the reason the second stimulus is held up is BECAUSE democrat leaders like Pelosi ADDED to the COVID relief bill things like state bail-outs and funding for planned parenthood?

Why would Harris and Biden promote “bail funding” for the criminals trashing our cites that puts them right back on the streets to continue the destruction?

Why do Biden and the “woke” media call to defund and demoralize the police & take away guns and the 2nd Amendment?

Why did all the mainstream media call riots “Mostly peaceful protests”, until in the words of CNN Don Lemon & Chris Cuomo, “It was showing in the polls”?

Do you remember that even Democratic governors like Cuomo, and Newsom praised Trump for his COVID response?

Did you think COVID was also “showing up in the polls”, so they stopped the praise and instead claimed Trump failed and that Cuomo (who put COVID positive patients in nursing homes) was the model of COVID success?

Did you know that Biden’s chief of staff during H1N1 said it was “luck” and not anything they did right that is was “not one of the great mass casualty events in American history.”? 

Do the State enforced COVID lockdown rules make any sense to you?

Do you wonder why a Mayor like De Blasio of NYC would lock up people trying to go to church, or for opening their business BUT says on video that it’s OK to protest by the thousands?

Do you think COVID can tell the difference between someone at school, a restaurant or church versus someone at a protest?

Why does the issues of “racial justice” seem to come up every 4 years?

If HISTORIC “systemic racism” was so bad in America, why didn’t Biden (in office for 47 years) or our first black president Obama do anything about it before?

How did a “systemically racist” country with less than 15% black, elect a black president not just once, but TWICE for our highest office?

Did you know Trump has had the greatest impact on the economy, bringing jobs, and lowering unemployment to the Black and Latino population of ANY other president? Ever.  

Did you know that Trump reversed the Crime bill that Biden authored, which largely incarcerated blacks?

Did you know Trump was responsible for far more positive policy for blacks than Biden or Obama such as long term funding for Historically black colleges, and opportunity zones, and that the left would not even ENTERTAIN the conversation for the police reform bill that black Republican Senator Tim Scott authored and Trump added to?

Why do just some and not ALL (like David Dorn) black lives matter to BLM?

Did you know BLM was founded by self-proclaimed (on video) trained Marxist/communist?

Did you know the hundreds of millions raised by BLM recently went to the Democratic party and NOT BLACK PEOPLE?

Did you know Thousand Current is the fiscal sponsor of BLM and that ActBluedonations for BLM go to the democrat party?

Have you heard of Susan Rosenberg who was a domestic terrorist convicted and sentenced to 60 years  for arsine, bombing and assassinations?

Did you know on his last day of office, Bill Clinton pardoned Susan after she served 16 years?

Did you know Susan is CURRENTLY in charge of fundraising for BLM?

Did you know “Up to the day of birth abortion” for any reason is not JUST a radical left “idea” and is ALREADY LEGAL in 10+ states (including IL)?

Can you imagine INSTEAD of celebrating the birthday of your son or daughter…they are torn piece by piece from their mother’s womb the DAY BEFORE?  That is REAL.

Did you know Democratic leaders like Pelois, Harris, & Biden want tax payers to fund those planned parenthood’s abortions?

Did you know when Kamala Harris was Attorney General in LA & Planned Parenthood was caught on video illegally selling baby body parts  which they later testified to…she prosecuted the undercover reporters INSTEAD of planned parenthood?

Do you think the undercover video is alarming?

Do you know Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger, wanted to control the black population?

Did you know almost all Planned parenthood facilities are in minority neighborhoods?

Do you know Biden has said (on video) he wants to cut social security and Medicare?

Do you wonder where that money will go?

Did you know Biden said (on video), “On day one in office” he will create a roadmap for 11M+ illegal aliens’ citizen and give them RETROACTIVE COVID relief and free healthcare with AMERICAN tax dollars?

Do you have any idea how many more trillions that will cost America, or where that money will come from?

Do you know big tech has been censoring border patrol agents that have been praising the wall for stopping human and drug trafficking?

Did you know cartel often use children as shields to cross the border and gain entrance to the US?

Do you know about 460,000 children in the US alone go missing EACH YEAR?

Ever wonder why Harris “with” Biden want illegal aliens to VOTE here in America?

If we didn’t want foreign meddling in the 2016 election, why would Biden suggest that “undocumented” illegal aliens vote in America?

Would it make sense for us as Americans to vote in Canada, Mexico, or China?

Why did the mainstream media accuse Trump of building cages for kids, using photos that were from a time that proved it was Obama and Bidens who built them?

Do you think the media would go soft of Donald Jr if there was live vulgar porn of him smoking crack while doing lude sex acts, and with images with girls as young as 7 WHILE SELLING OUT AMERICA?

Did you know Nancy Pelosi’s son was a partner in one of the China deals, and there is video on his “activity” with very young girls as well?

Did you know Gov. Gavin Newsom signed into law in September 2020 California Senate Bill 145, which shields pedophiles who rape children from having to register as sex offenders?

Did you know they’ve suggested pedophilia be classified as a “sexual orientation” and that there was a TEDX about it?

Even if Biden wasn’t engaging in Quid-pro-quo and corrupt international influence peddling, did you know he ADMITED (on video) that he isn’t good at foreign trade? Did you know Trump turned NATO around and has them start paying their dues?   Did you know Trump neutralized the North Koreans, stopped them from developing a further nuclear capability, sending missiles toward Japan, and threatening the West Coast of the US?  

Did you know Biden-Obama sent a billion to Iran to cover up their Benghazi mess, whereas Trump warned Iran not to “F around with America”?

Did you know under Obama-Biden we were in so many wars we actually ran out of bombs, and that Trump has not started ANY new wars and has been bringing our troops home?

Did you know Venezuela had a booming economy until they fell to socialism?

Did you know socialism is warned to be a road to communism?

Do you know we have ALREADY achieved about 2/3rd of the communist manifestos here in America?

Have you ever seen the EXCELLENT explanation of communist “subversion” by Yuri Bezmonov

Have you ever seen the Biden-Bernie manifesto?

Did you know San Francisco has a “poop app” to help avoid human feces on the streets?

Why is the left propping up Biden even though it’s clear he has diminishing physical AND mental capacity?

Do you ever remember a presidential candidate doing LESS during an election push than Biden?

If he were elected do you really envision that he would even have the physical strength to run our country, when he “puts a lid on it” for months on end often by 9am?

Do you really want to wake up Nov. 4th to “President” Kamala

Is it possible that is what the radical left REALLY wanted?

Who is in charge of the “progressive” left anyway?

Is it the old guard led by Pelosi and Schumer, or the FUNDERS of radicals like former bartender A.O.C. and the squad?

How did Biden choose a running mate that received less than 1% approval in the primaries?

How is it that Biden TOTALLY lies and flip-flops on so many issues, and no one calls him out?

When Biden has a LONG history of fish tales and blatant lies why would we continue to believe him?

Trump has already made improvements to Obamacare (allowing people to buy private insurance and removing the penalty)  while assuring that people with pre-existing conditions are ALWAYS covered, so why is Biden trying to scare people into thinking differently when it was him and Obama that failed healthcare and told us we could keep our doctors and pay less?

If Obamacare is so great why isn’t Joe on it himself…and why does the man who was the architect of it call US “stupid” and “dumb” for buying it?

Did you know Biden promised to RAISE TAXES, and get rid of Trumps tax cuts which largely helped the middle class?

Why does the media paint Biden as pro-black & Trump as a racist, when LOTSof video exists that suggests the OPPOSITE is true?

Did you hear the FULL video of what Trump REALLY said about Mexicans?

Have you seen the young people burning our American flag, chanting “death to America”, and spitting, shouting, throwing bricks, maltov cocktails and fireworks at police?

Do you think random jobless young people protesting “social justice”, actually PAID for the pallets of bricks, commercial fireworks and other things they’ve been using to harm and harass the police?

If they didn’t pay for that stuff, WHO did?

Do you think it’s strange when the looting begins people have reported what seems to be organized people and vans taking good?

Do you remember how Biden called ANTIFA an “idea” not an organization?

Why did Biden also call America an “Idea”?

Why do Biden and Obama claim America is “fundamentally flawed” & needs “systemic change”?

Why are democrat governors keeping our schools, businesses, and churches shut down?

Doesn’t that violate our constitutional rights?

Why do their rules apply to us & not them?

Why is big tech & big media (who are all owned by a handful of elites) working SO HARD to hide truths and even the EXCHANGE of ideas?

Have you ever heard of Gaslighting?

Do you believe our special ops government has ever used misinformation to take down other country’s leadership?

Do you think a communist country would take down America if they could?

What if Biden and others really have compromised and sold America out to China as the overwhelming amount of evidence suggests?

Could that explain some of the chaos that STARTED with the Wuhan virus?

Did you know President Trump was instrumental in brokering peace in the Middle East earning several Nobel Peace Prize nominations?

Did you know President Trump and Ivanka have lead initiatives that have been exposing global child & human trafficking?

While information is still being leaked, there is evidence to believe that Joe Bidens odd behavior may indicate more than a harmless lack of self awareness.

Remember that blonde Senators daughter Biden was “sniffing”?

Did you know it is rumored that she is on Hunters laptop, along with MANY other as young as 7 years old?

Even if you haven’t seen any of the leaked evidence for yourself of the Biden family corruption, does it ring true to you that Joe had “never talked” to his son about business?

Did you know Joe Biden bragged on video that he got a foreign official who was investigating a company his son was in business with FIRED by threating to withhold $1B in US goverment aid?

Did you know while Joe was VP Hunter had 400+ flights on government planesto 29 countries?

Did you know after 3.5 years and nearly $50M of tax payer funds they found ZERO “Russian collusion” by President Trump?

Did you know the Steel dossier that they used for the FISA warrant which allowed Obama/Hillary/Biden to spy on President Trump was proved to be false “disinformation” ITSELF and they KNEW it yet used it as the REASON to pursue impeachment and the investigation?

Did you know everything “they” have accused President Trump of, it is coming to light “they” are guilty of?

Did you know there is a newly released documentary free on Amazon Prime, that exposed this plot to take out a duly elected president?

Did you know in spite of his historically LONG list of accomplishments, FROM DAY ONE (before he had done anything) the reporting on Trump has been 92% negative?

Does that sound like a fair and balanced media?

If the media has only been reporting negative news (often lies), and few if ANY of his accomplishments…is it understandable WHY so many people think “Orange man bad”?

While they are VERY rarely asked any difficult questions, have you seen how Joe Biden or Nancy Pelosi SNAP when they get even a LITTLE media push back?

Can you imagine how they would behave if they were constantly under daily media attack as President Trump is?

Why do people get fired for asking “the wrong people” questions, or not supporting the “right” candidate?

Do you have any idea why Satanist HATE Trump

Did you know I personally reported nearly 300 twisted demonic satanic “spells & curses” that were on our presidents Twitter feed when he was I the hospital with COVID?

Do you think Trump WANTED Satanists to post nutty stuff about him?

So why did they?                                                            

Why aren’t Satanists attacking Joe Biden?

Why do some Biden supporters boldly display Satan flag on their homes like this one I took in Wisconsin?

Did you know June 7th Trump received an open letter from an Arch Bishop who was the former Vatican liaison to the US?

Did you know that in that letter, Arch Bishop Vigano warns Trump of the deep state, deep church and sent him his support and prayers for what he calls a “biblical battle” between good and evil?

Are you aware that he wrote ANOTHER passionate plea on Oct, 25th 2020?

Did you know The Arch Bishop’s been in hiding since taking mandatory retirement?

Did you know that he is considered “controversial” because when Pope Benedict asked Arch Bishop Vigano to look into the church bank, he became a whistleblower exposing corruption in the church bank?

Did you know the same Arch Bishop was ALSO a whistleblower on pedophilia in the Catholic church and has been calling for current Pope Francis to resign?

Do you believe pedophilia is a problem in the catholic church?

Do you think the man (Trump) who literally hugs our flag, is a patriot and loves our country?

Did you ever hear chants of “U-S-A” or “We love you” at a democratic rally?

Did you know we have not had an outsider to Washington in office since Reagan?

Did you know 7 days before his assassination JFK said he was going to “expose the deep corruption is our government”?

Did you know Trump has been exposing the deep, widespread, and long-standing corruption in the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, and the Democratic party? 

Did you know our own US intelligence has used “conspiracy theory” as a way to discredit truths in other countries?

Can you name even ONE thing off the top of your head that Joe Biden has done for America in his 47 years of “service”?

Do you know even while under daily fire from media and false charges President Trump has had more accomplishments in 4 years than nearly any other president, YET the media coverage of him has been 92% negative?

Have you seen the video footage from 1980-2016 (including Oprah) showing why President Trump ran for office?

Did you know Trump gave up his 4-year salary of $1.6M to the American people, instead earning $4 for 4 years of service to our country?

Did you know Trump is the 1st president that will leave the oval office with a LESSER net worth?

Did you know VP Pence son makes about $50K annually In military, while VP Biden’s son was dishonorably discharged and without a job but earned $183K+ a MONTH selling out America?

Did you know Trump starts every rally with PRAYER, the pledge of allegiance & our national anthem?

Did you know he often ends a rally with “IN GOD WE TRUST”?

Do you believe in God?

Have you heard that God often uses imperfect messengers?

I for one, agree with the Arch Bishop, and believe this TRULY IS a battle of good versus evil ting evil

And that good people are unknowingly being deceived into supporting evil

I also believe in the power of God, goodness, and the American people

I have NEVER done anything political before IN MY LIFE.

But these are times like NO OTHER in my life.

With all my heart I believe that this great nations' future and our own FREEDOM is at stake

If you love God, your family, and our country


It just might be.





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