Have you wondered as I have over the last decade where all of this ideological garbage is coming from?
I think we now know (Many have known for a long time but now the evidence is irrefutable).
With the exposure of Chicom influence, subterfuge, and corruption inside American political, economic, judicial and governmental systems, it is clear that a decades-long hidden agenda has been executed against the United States of America, and in fact the free world.
Think about it.
If you wanted to destroy a nation’s ability to defend itself, you’d want to destroy its masculinity. ‘Toxic masculinity’ ring a bell? You’d want to destroy its ability to reproduce – abortion on demand, the more the better. You’d promote homosexuality as normal – no new warriors being born there for sure.
If you wanted to destroy a nation’s culture — you’d promote radical feminism and destruction of the family unit. You’d try and confuse young children as to their gender, or even which pronoun they should use. You’d destroy a nation’s culture of self-reliance. “American self-reliance has hurt our response to the pandemic,” said China-mouthpiece Dr. Fauci.
You’d destroy Christianity – like they do in China.
You’d promote massive waves of migrants from areas of the world that don’t share our values as a nation, a massive drain on resources and destruction of security and culture.
You’d push fake ‘racism’ in the military, to destroy unit cohesiveness and combat effectiveness.
You’d control the media, and social media, to censor views you don’t like.
You’d infiltrate and corrupt the Federal government, the judiciary, Congress, and even local politicians.
You’d send hundreds of thousands of Chinese spies into our educational system, to send American technology back to Beijing.

You’d run up the national debt as much as possible, to break the bank, debase the currency, make the nation insolvent.
You’d create envy between races, classes, even geographic locations – divide and conquer would be the strategy.
Hell, you might even launch a bioweapon, like a virus, to incapacitate your target and make all this happen faster, lockdowns and all. You’d use it to destroy small business, make Americans dependent on the state, scared to go outside, and used to obeying ‘Big Brother’.
You’d do this with the enablement of the American elite ruling class, which you’d buy off, blackmail, and promise these ‘useful idiots’ they’d be part of the ruling class in the new ‘people’s republic’.
You’d do all this slowly, over decades, until one day in the future, when you thought you were entrenched enough, you’d literally try to steal a presidential election, install a Chicom puppet, and make the United States of America a vassal state to the Chinese Communist Party.
And, if even that didn’t work, you’d go kinetic — a dirty nuclear device in a big city, an EMP attack to destroy the electric grid. Or, a war in the South China Sea, or another virus.
It’s coming America, unless we get Trump back in his duly-elected rightful place in The White House.
Too many Americans & American businesses have been enamored with “China” for too many years. Only Chinese allowed to do business with U.S. are members of the Chinese Communist Party. CCP hates America & has publicly declared timetable to take over our country. CCP is an enemy.
Chinese Communist Party has taken our money & our technology. Now they want to take our land to grow food for their people. (Ask Africa). I do not support any candidate who wants to Make CCP GreatAgain. Or fraud like Joe Biden who tried to steal our election & takes CCP bribes.
Did you know that Chinese Communist Party owns THE Panama Canal? Did you know that CCP built its own Suez Canal next to one built by America? Do you know how much land CCP has purchased in Africa, South America & United States? Wake up America.
When you finish researching how much American land has been purchased by CCP, research how many American elected officials, government workers, politicians, lawyers, judges & business people have been purchased by CCP. Research CIA too. Research results will wake America up!
U.S. Secretary or State Mike Pompeo warned Governors that China's intelligence had rated them ALL on their acceptance of China:
As we find out whoo the traitors to our country are, just know that they had fair warning to change their ways.
As the GA Senate Runoff race determine the balance of power in the U.S. it's interesting to note Chinas influences and entangelments.
GA Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger's boy Gabriel Sterling (Voting System Implementation Manager for GA) owns Sterling Innovative LLC.
Sterling Innovative is registered at: 2401 Huntingdon Chase Atlanta, GA If you look at who owns that property, it sounds an awful lot like a Chinese name to me.
Whatever Happened to the $11 Million Given to Georgia’s Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger for COVID Relief?
an almost $11 million grant award to the Georgia Secretary of State, Republican Brad Raffensperger. What ever happened to this money?
In a recent tweet GA Attorney for "We The People", Lin Wood, zeroed in on an anomaly, or something much, much worse, relating to the Secretary of State’s Office and this almost $11 million. Wood’s bombshell tweet refers to an April 15, 2020 letter to the U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC) from Secretary of State Raffensperger, who is also Georgia’s Chief Election Official.
Georgia was poised to receive a $10,875,912 grant from the EAC for Covid-19-related election expenses. (The EAC, a federal entity which, by the way, certifies U.S. election machines, hardware and software, has some clear and shocking conflicts-of-interest of its own going on with its Advisory Board.) Raffensperger assured the EAC that the funds will be used to “prevent, prepare for and respond to coronavirus, domestically or internationally, for the 2020 Federal election cycle.” This is a hefty sum of money!
The contact person at the end of the letter is Gabriel Sterling, who was appointed the COO of the Secretary of State’s office by Brad Raffensperger, the brand new SoS, shortly after Raffensperger was elected to the position in November 2018. Raffensperger’s predecessor was Brian Kemp, who had just been elected Georgia’s governor. Sterling, as COO, would be in charge of budgetary, human resources and administrative operations for the Secretary of State’s office. Sterling, strangely, has also been referred to, in multiple, recent media accounts, as Georgia’s “Statewide Voting System Implementation Manager.”
On his Twitter account, Sterling confirms that he is the “Voting System Implementation Manager”.
In the April 15 letter, Sterling lists a private gmail account address as his email account. The letter states: “If you have any questions about this request please contact our Statewide Voting System Implementation Manager, Gabriel Sterling, at sterlinginnovative@gmail.com.” Why wouldn’t Raffensperger refer the EAC to his COO, the employee in charge of budgetary issues for the SoS’s office? Why, instead, send them to Sterling as Georgia’s “Statewide Voting System Implementation Manager”? Well, it turns out Sterling ALSO has own LLC called Sterling Innovative Solutions, with the “Registered Agent” listed is Robert Gabriel Sterling. https://www.bizapedia.com/ga/sterling-innovative-solutions-llc.html.
So, is Sterling still the COO of the GA Secretary of State’s office or has he left that position? Is he the Statewide Voting System Implementation Manager for the Secretary of State’s Office as a state employee or has he been hired in that position as a consultant or independent contractor? Or is he acting BOTH as the COO of the Secretary of State’s office AND as a private consultant as Georgia’s Statewide Voting System Implementation Manager, through his LLC, Sterling Innovative Solutions LLC? Is there unethical double-dipping going on here or is it simply that the man has changed titles and positions under Raffensperger? It also raises the question, if Sterling is no longer the COO of the Secretary of State’s office, who is?
Lin Wood is right on the money: the use of a gmail account indicates that Gabriel Sterling CANNOT be a state employee, at least for purposes of this April 15 letter sealing the deal on $10.8+ million in Covid-19 money for the Secretary of State’s office. Or can he? Furthermore, Georgia already has an “Elections Director,” Chris Harvey, it says so right on the Secretary of State’s letterhead. Why wasn’t Harvey listed as the contact person in the letter to the EAC? Why does Georgia ALSO need a “Statewide Voting System Implementation Manager”? Are taxpayers paying for two state agency people to do the job of one? The public needs immediate clarification upon these issues, given that Sterling continues to assure the public and the media – on behalf of the state of Georgia and its Chief Election Officer, Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger and his messed up, questionable, and clearly fraudulent election AND recount – that, Everything’s fine, move along, nothing to see here people.
Where’s the audit of this pile of Covid-19 money, held in trust and spent BY Brad Raffensperger for the people of Georgia? Georgians need an immediate accounting of this almost $11 million in federal EAC funds. If the Secretary of State will not willingly provide this information, Georgian’s need to send immediate Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests to both SoS Raffensperger AND the U.S. Election Assistance Commission, requesting a copy of the U.S. EAC grant award, copies of all correspondence between the Georgia SoS’s office and the EAC, all quarterly grant reports, all budgetary documents and amendments, and all disbursement records, with copies of the checks and/or electronic bank records, regarding this grant.
Has anyone asked for copy of @GabrielSterling contract with @GaSecofState. Wonder how much Gabriel is paid by Brad? Are taxpayers paying Gabriel? Are we paying his expenses? How many trips has Gabriel made to Communist China in last 5 years? Seem like relevant questions to me.
CCP & Voting Machines:
Let's not forget Chinas "investment" In 75% ownership of Dominion software.
Sterling is one the purchasing officers for the $109M Dominion system that was rushed into service for the Presidential election. Hmmmm. Chinese bank buys Dominion 4 weeks before election
America and the world is convinced that China tried invading our country and stealing our elections. They committed an act of war. US citizens were complicit in treason including Governors, Senators, and Mayors. Now it's time for justice.
Mainstream media (MSM) is propaganda arm of Communists. Has been infiltrated over years by them & Globalists. Any guess as to why 1/2 of U.S. is unaware of election fraud evidence OR violence occurring on streets of our cities? Dividing us informed/uninformed. Be prepared.
Sequoia (Semantic) is now involved with AirBnB. And they did an IPO the other day. And Sequoia / Semantic has something to do with healthcare software? Strange connections.
House Rep Calls For Ethics Investigation Into Swalwell Over Relationship With Chinese Spy
House Speaker running interference for Swalwell claiming his innocence without even looking into allegations
As questions swirl around the revelation that US Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA), had a years-long, ongoing relationship with a woman who turned out to be a spy for the Communist Chinese, Democrat Party leadership in the House refuse to remove him from the House Intelligence Committee.
Christine Fang, a Chinese national who has now been identified as a clandestine agent for the Communist Chinese, arrived in the United States as a “student.” She quickly cultivated “targets” or “marks” in government to include Swalwell.
Fang established “close ties” to Swalwell beginning in 2014
Fang operated in Swalwell’s campaign circles as a fundraiser and campaign finance facilitator during his 2014 congressional campaign. She even succeeded in placing an operative intern in Swalwell’s congressional office.
It has been suggested by many – including those close to the Swalwell camp, that he and Fang had a sexual relationship, a common tactic used by female Chinese espionage operative to syphon information out of “marks” during pillow talk.
In fact, the FBI became so concerned about Swalwell’s relationship with Fang that they provided the Congressman a “defensive briefing” to warn him of exactly who he was engaged.
The matter is so explosive and wide-ranging that US Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner (R-WI), filed a complaint with the House Ethics Committee, urging the committee to “immediately open an investigation” into the allegations that Swalwell had been compromised by Fang.
But House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), is defending Swalwell – a fellow San Franciscan, and is actively refusing to remove him from the House Intelligence Committee.
“In terms of Mr. Swalwell — in the spring of 2015, the leadership of the House and the [Intelligence] Committee were informed that overtures from a Chinese person were being made to members of Congress,” Pelosi said. “When that was made known to the members of Congress, it was over.”
In addition to Pelosi refusing to safeguard the House Intelligence Committee from a probable secure breach in Swalwell, she said has no intention of asking for background checks on Swalwell’s interns.
Swalwell’s affair with Fang commenced in 2012 when Fang arrived. Congressional members were not briefed about Fang for 3 years.
2 million Chinese spies located around the world leaked.
VIDEO: December 12, 2020. United States Secretary of State Mike Pompeo comments on China:
Multiple international media outlets confirm the Chinese Communist Party has infiltrated governments and top corporations throughout the West, including the UK, Australia, and the United States. Boeing, Pfizer, and AstraZeneca are among them.
Multiple top international news outlets confirm that a list of 1.95 million Chinese Communist Party members has been leaked, and in it are the names of potentially thousands of individuals who live and work in the West, including at major financial institutions, medical research and pharmaceutical companies, and foreign governments.
A document containing 1.95 million names of CCP members was provided to The Daily Mail in the United Kingdom, The Australian in Australia, De Standaard in Belgium, and a yet unnamed Swedish editor, who apparently has not published the story. Inside the list are potentially thousands of names of CCP members who have infiltrated top corporations and high levels of government across the West.
According to The Australian journalist Sharri Markson, “Some of its members – who swear a solemn oath to ‘guard Party secrets, be loyal to the Party, work hard, fight for communism throughout my life…and never betray the Party’ – are understood to have secured jobs in British consulates.”
Alarmingly, Markson also says Pfizer and AstraZeneca – both currently producing large numbers of COVID-19 vaccine doses – have “employed a total of 123 party loyalists.”
“Along with the personal identifying details of 1.95 million communist party members, mostly from Shanghai, there are also the details of 79,000 communist party branches, many of them inside companies,” Markson added.
She explained, “the data was extracted from a Shanghai server by Chinese dissidents, whistleblowers, in April 2016, who have been using it for counter-intelligence purposes.”
The Daily Mail noted that there is no direct evidence these CCP members, who swear loyalty to the Communist Party and its leadership above all else, have engaged in espionage, but also notes that experts agree this would be incredibly unlikely.
“While there is no evidence that anyone on the party membership list has spied for China – and many sign up simply to boost their career prospects – experts say it defies credulity that some are not involved in espionage,” noted The Mail. “Responding to the findings, an alliance of 30 MPs last night said they would be tabling an urgent question about the issue in the Commons.”
The Australian noted that American defense companies are not immune to CCP infiltration.
“The database has also revealed CCP members working in global companies such as Boeing — which has billions of dollars in defence contracts,” noted The Australian.
Australian banking giant ANZ went as far as to claim there is nothing wrong with its employees having their own CCP branch, complete with 23 members.
“An ANZ spokesman said the bank did not interfere with its employees’ involvement in political groups.”
The Australian adds, “While there is no evidence that anyone on the party membership list has spied for the Chinese government … CCP members, of which there are 92 million, must pledge an oath that puts the party’s interests above all and ‘be ready at all times to sacrifice my all for the party.'”
Perhaps most shockingly, Markson notes that Chinese dissidents obtained this information in 2016, and provided it to a series of media outlets in September of this year, well before the U.S. Presidential election, over the course of which candidate Joe Biden was alleged to have massive financial connections to China through his son, Hunter Biden.
“Markson said the data was extracted from a Shanghai server by Chinese dissidents, whistleblowers, in April 2016, who have been using it for counter-intelligence purposes,” wrote Sky News. “‘It was then leaked in mid-September to the newly-formed international bi-partisan group, the Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China,'” said Markson. “‘and that group is made up of 150 legislators around the world.'”
“‘It was then provided to an international consortium of four media organisations, The Australian, The Sunday Mail in the UK, De Standaard in Belgium and a Swedish editor, to analyse over the past two months, and that’s what we’ve done'”.
While our elites have been busy lecturing us about white fragility and trans rights, the Chinese government has remained deadly serious. Chinese leaders aren’t frivolous and stupid, like ours are. They don’t hire people because of the way they look. They’re highly focused. They have a goal. Over the past decade, China has made stunning progress in its attempt to dethrone the United States from its position of global leadership. China’s economy will soon surpass ours. At some point, so will its military strength.
To accelerate this, the Chinese communist party has engaged in a ceaseless effort to subvert our leadership class. It’s worked more effectively than anyone imagined. Last night, we showed you proof. We played a clip of a Chinese professor speaking on camera in front of a live audience, explaining how deeply his country’s intelligence services have penetrated our government and business establishments.
Tucker Carlson speaks to DNI John Ratcliffe about the growing threat of China globally.
This year we had one of the biggest October surprises ever. The New York Post, the oldest daily newspaper the country, published a trove of documents showing that members of Joe Biden’s family had been selling access to the former vice presdient to a number of foreign governments, including the communist government of China. It was a blockbuster story.
The rest of the media decided to kill it. Social media companies banned users from sharing the New York Post’s reporting. Other news organizations simply ignored it. On October 22, 11 days before the presidential election, National Public Radio — an organization that is literally state media, funded by your tax dollars — issued the following statement through its public editor, explaining why they would be refusing to say anything negative about the Bidens.
Shortly before last month’s election, we reported on this show that federal prosecutors had opened an investigation into Hunter Biden’s business dealings with China. We knew it was true, which is why we said it. Other news organizations knew it too, but they said nothing about it. They hid that news — critically relevant news — from their readers and viewers. They didn’t want to hurt Joe Biden’s chances. The Justice Department itself refused to confirm existence of the investigation, for fear of being accused of political interference. So, going into Election Day, most Americans had no idea any of this was going on.
All they knew was that Joe Biden had dismissed the entire thing as a Russian plot, and that a large numbers of senior officials in the so-called “intelligence community” seemed to agree with him. That was Biden’s position at the debate. Again, what you’re about to see is the sum total of information most voters got about the Biden family’s business dealings with China in the weeks before the election. Watch:
CCP Army training in Canada:
Given the massive evidence of voter fraud this Executive order may be executed by President Trump: