Once the China virus was unleashed on the world, I think a lot of people like me started watching a lot more news. Keeping up with news of the "deadly' virus that sent the value of toilet paper skyrocketing and crashed our economy was a daily occurrence. Trumps task force briefings became a familiar routine.
The man seemed to be working around the clock, and yet the media never gave him a break. I'd always heard what a horrible person and a racist Trump was, but I really admired his hustle and genuine love for our country and desire to do a good job. When the RNC aired, I was impressed with the diverse group of regular people who all had such nice things to say about President Trump. The stories others told help humanize this larger than life brazen New Yorker. So I thought I would start looking up each of the most horrible things the media accused President Trump of saying. To my surprise, EVERY single time I did this, the truth had been completely twisted.
I found a comedian who put together some REALLY great video mashups on several of the key issues that influenced peoples perception of Trump versus Biden, and in effect the 2020 election. There is stuff in these that even I had still thought Trump said or did, until I saw the real picture for myself. I encourage you to listen to all of them. As small investment of time to shed light on the truth. And they're done in a pretty funny way.
So let's go through some of the key issues Trump is beat up on by the media.
This video is a GREAT COVID SUMMARY:
When the China Virus was first released, leaders across the GLOBE panicked. No one knew what to do about this "novel" virus. Like most of us, Trump is neither a medical doctor or a scientist. He had to rely on "experts" he inherited such as Fauci, as well as corrupt organization the W.H.O. (World Health Organization- who he has since defunded) and the CDC. The experts shared dome and gloom modeling that projected MILLIONS of American's would die. Reluctantly Trump followed the lead of "experts" and encouraged the shut down a record breaking U.S. economy for what he believed at the time was the safety of the citizens. Due to the 10th amendment, the execution and content of the lockdowns rules was in the ands of state and local governance. The same is true of policing. Short of declaring a national emergency (which the media would have portrayed to be dictatorial), policing is a local issue. So when cities were in rioting chaos, Trump had to wait for state governors to ASK for federal help. Trump practically begged for them to ask. But instead poorly run democratic states let Bidens "idea" ANTIFA and BLM supporters ruin cites. Why? The 2nd COVID relief package was stalled by the left because they attempted to include things like total bail outs for these badly managed broke states (as well as tax payer funded late term abortion and other leftist agendas unrelated to COVID).
Even though Trump was met with harsh leftist criticism when he swiftly shut down travel from China (against the advice of experts like Fauci), his early action saved lives. But did the leftist lame-steam media praise him? NO WAY! In the beginning even governors on the far left praised Trump and is team for their COVID response...until they realized that was not good for their guy Joes chances in the upcoming election.
So "Why didn't he shut down travel from Europe sooner?" was their new narrative. No blame was cast on the "experts", and "the science" was allowed to fail again, and again, and again with their advice and predictions. Somehow, the entire global pandemic that China sent around the world was ALL Trumps fault.
Experts shouted, "WE NEED MORE VENTILATORS"! So Trump invoked the "defense production act" to get businesses to rapidly produce and distribute ventilators. He built a task force, information sharing website, held daily press conferences, and did more testing by FAR than any other nation, and fast tracked a vaccine with "Operation Warp Speed". But that wasn't good enough for the left and its media arm. Trump must go, so he is to blame. A.O.C. even tweeted that we need to keep businesses and the country closed until after the election. She voted to raise her OWN $174,000 annual salary, but we should suffer to please her and the left agenda.
So who would manage COVID better? Ron Klain who was Obama-Biden adviser during the 2009 H1N1 swine flu, said "We did every possible thing wrong". And it was only by "luck" that it was not one of the most deadly times in history.
But sure...just like Joe will NOW fix all the failed policy that he helped author the past 47 years...I'm SURE Biden could've done a better job at managing COVID than Trump.
And if you bought the globalist media controlled narrative that Trump told people to "drink bleach" and such. Listen to this ACTUAL clip above of what Trump said in context. Trump is not the one trying to deceive people. The elite controlled media is.
Trump WAS "listening to the science" and just sharing a glimpse of what he was briefed on, and suggested that it was "interesting" that they were looking into it.
He absolutely NEVER told anyone to "drink or inject bleach". And for the record, I have unique insight into UV lighting (I work for the company that holds global patents on a safe for humans 222nm Far UV light, which Columbia University has also studied & tested) and can tell you with certainty that it can absolutely kill COVID-19 and all known superbugs in as little as 1/10 of a second. Using a body scope is an idea that the company has been approached about by another university group and Mt. Sinai.
"Trump is a racist, he won't denounce white supremacy and he called Mexicans criminals and drug dealers". ALL of these things are FALSE. These media lies were parroted over and over again by the mockingbird media in an effort to gaslight the truth.
This video exposes the TRUTH about Trump, Biden, and racism:
Picking on underdogs is a horrible thing. I saw the videos too...and thought it was pretty disturbing that Trump would make fun of disabled people. BUT, the truth is...he DIDN'T.
Take a look:
Joe Biden likes to remind us that his son Beau who died of cancer served in the military. But Joe doesn't like to talk about his other son Hunter who has been acting as the family bag-man since being dishonorably discharged from the military for drug use. Instead, in true leftist fashion (accuse others of the things you are doing) Biden pretends to be angry while falsely accusing Trump of disrespecting the military.
Watch for yourself, these videos are GREAT:
The media says Trump is anti-LGBTQ & Biden isn't, but is it true?
WATCH for yourself:
The lying media is so crazy they are now saying that "Biden has appointed the first openly gay cabinet member". But listen to what the ACTUAL first openly gay cabinet member, Richard Grenell, appointed by President Trump has to share about that:
For months ANTIFA & BLM (who raised money via Act Blue for the demon-rat party) burned, looted, and vandalized American cites while the left funded "bail out funds" for these criminals. In a televised debate with president Trump, Biden called ANTIFA just an "IDEA". For months, the media called the rioting "mostly peaceful protesting", until CNN Don Lemon noted that it was "showing up in the polls". So then the left and their media/tech propaganda arm, said that Trump supporters and Q were the "dangerous" violent ones.
Having attended several Trump events I strongly dispute that. Trump rally's are filled with patriotic individuals and families of all kinds waving flags, praising God, and chanting things like, "U.S.A." & "We Love You". Businesses did not board up before the election because Trump supporters would destroy them. And when the left wrongly and prematurely crowned King Biden, no businesses were destroyed. At a Million March in D.C.where patriots gathered to show their support for President Trump, there was ZERO violence...until night started to fall and the creatures of darkness started crawling out. Biden's leftist groups have been taped chanting things like "death to America", and ACBA (all cops are bad).
Take a look at Biden's most passionate supporters:
Now take a look at what Trump supporters look like.
And compare that side-by-side with Biden supporters the same day at the Million MAGA march in D.C.
For more examples of the contrast visit https://www.americantruthbombs.com/post/boom-loaded-with-truth-bombs-to-wake-up-the-sheeple
The protests/riots started after George Floyd died after a police officer kneeled on him. George Floyds death was absolutely wrong, but does it make sense to "defund the police" as a result? Leftist activists demoralized and demonized police as they spat on, cursed at, threw bricks and molotov cocktails at them.
In contrast to how badly they treat President Trump, the media never asks Joe Biden about his involvement is international corruption, or the overwhelming evidence on his son Hunters laptop, or the testimony of their former business partner Tony Bobulinski, or their other partner the "head spy chief of China".
Instead the media asks Joe what flavor ice cream he bought, and let him get away with running a presidential campaign from his basement while "calling a lid on it" for days on end...and acting as if that is totally normal for a presidential candidate.
And never mind Biden's less-than-lucid behavior:
Have you ever wondered why Hollywood and the media seem to hate Trump so much? The funny thing is, they didn't always hate him. The hatred started when Trump ran for president.
As Richard Grenell said when he introduced Trump at a rally, "Trump is an outsider" to the D.C. machine. President Trump is a true patriot with nearly super human work ethic that loves this country and its people.
Like Apollo Creed said to his manager during a match with Rocky, "doesn't he know this is just a show"? Trump isn't in it for the "show". President Trump is in the White House taking daily abuse for "We The People".
With big tech, big media, big pharma, Hollywood, and global elites ALL against him...the only thing WITH him is God, and WE THE PEOPLE.
And "WE" had better all wake up soon, or we might soon find that we don't recognize America.
L. Lin Wood successfully defended and won a lawsuit for young Nicolas Sandman against CNN & the Washington Post. Watch how Fake News is made to understand why:
Did sleepy Beijing-quid-pro-Joe Biden, who hardly campaigned, really inspire more voters than Obama to win against Trump? Even Obama had a hard time pulling crowds for Joe. Meanwhile Trump rally's were PACKED like rock concerts.
Biden UNDER-performed everywhere across the country, EXCEPT in key cites in swing states that he needed to win. But again, he didn't even bother to get out of his basement much.
The big tech and media are doing a GREAT job of gaslighting the truth. But the evidence is overwhelming that voter and election fraud in the 2020 election was widespread.
The election is over, but the fight isn't.
Trump has an amazing legal team behind him. His personal legal team is lead by Rudy Giuliani and Jenna Ellis. And WE THE PEOPLE are blessed to be represented by Sidney Powell, and L. Lin Wood at the helm. How can we help and support them? PRAYER AND SHARE!
Truth and light are on our side. For those of us who get it, our job is to wake up as many others as possible. Leave it all out on the field. Pray often that our leaders are guided and protected. And shed light on the truth so that the darkness disappears.
Did you know Biden (who claims to be a Catholic) was refused communion & doest know how to say psalms, much less what it means?
Joe Biden will support any position that is handlers require, including day of birth abortion for any reason (which, thanks to democrats is ALREADY legal in 10+ states). To the contrary, President Trump, is very openly the most pro-life president America has seen.
President Trump has done a great deal of work to breaking up human and child sex trafficking rings. He has also aggressively secured our borders, which has helped tremendously to stop drug and human trafficking by criminals that were easily breaching our borders illegally from ALL over the world. To the contrary, Biden not only advocates for open borders, but he encourages illegals with his campaign promise of free health care, education, COVID relief, and Social Security for those who break our laws ad enter the country illegally. How in the world does that make sense, except for the fact that some oof the "voters" in the 2020 election turned out were not even actual citizens. The average person does't know or understand how profitable human and child trafficking can be. Sex and organs are a VERY lucrative business, and the United States is one of the largest consumers with an average of 460,000 kids going missing each year.
Make no mistake, the ugliness these people and children endure is nothing short of evil.
With Big Media, Big Tech, Big Pharma, Hollywood, and Global elites against him...the most powerful entity o Donald Trumps side...is God. And if God is with you, who can be against you? Well, I have seen FIRST hand that Satan and is worshippers are most definitely against President Trump. I am not saying that all Biden supporters worship Satan, but I AM saying that ALL satan worshippers voted for Biden and are against Trump. I've actually seen it with my own eyes.
Examples (which can be found here) are:
When Trump had COVID they came out by the thousands to put vile and evil curses on his Twitter feed. I reported nearly 300 myself.
I saw a Satan flag proudly mounted to a Biden supporters house when campaign door knocking.
At a protect the vote rally, I had about 5-6 Biden supporters taking my photo while flashing the devil hand sign at me in my MAGA hat.
I actually saw a man with long pointy finger nails (pretty darn sure he was a satan worshipper but no direct proof) cackling about Trump supporters wile he fed his Biden vote to a Dominion machine on November 3rd 2020.
Jack Dorsey of Twitter has tweeted Satanic verses, and is very obviously against President Trump with his constant censorship of the President and his supporters.