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BOOM! Lies VS Truth & Logic

Writer's picture: Ms. Red White & BlueMs. Red White & Blue

Updated: Dec 22, 2020

Nearly a million patriots came together in DC on Nov. 14th to support President Trump, but our nation is very divided. With a record breaking number of voters in 2020, the two sides stand opposed in nearly every way, each believing the others to be wrong.

Is there a right side and wrong side? Can we unite? Who really is the tolerant party, and who is violently hateful to America AND her people?

While the Biden team cheered on and raised bail funds for the riotous "mostly peaceful protesters" that ravaged cites across America with looting, vandalism, and violence, their collaborators in main stream media pushed the narrative that the "orange man" and his patriotic supporters are bad.

When BLM and ANTIFA came to town, things were boarded up and destroyed. Cities again boarded up in anticipation of election results. But when the media prematurely declared Joe Biden president elect, there was no rioting in the streets by Trump supporters...nothing was burned and destroyed by the bad orange man's people. So why is the media so invested in the lie that it's Trump and HIS supporters that are the ones creating chaos and division?

Isn't it weird how thousands of right wingers rallied in DC November 14th and there was no violence at all, all day, until the moment that Antifa and BLM showed up? It's almost like the Left brings violence everywhere it goes.

Maybe we should compare the two parties most active supporters.

I've attended four Trump events in 2020, and the only time I felt uncomfortable was when I was met with Biden supporters. Even in a Trump car parade where Trump supporters kids were waving American flags, I had two 8-10 year old girls waving their middle finger at me. At another event I had Biden supporters shouting at me and giving me the satan hand signal. Another one shouted that my American flag "is shit" as he crossed a street.

Walking to my car I was cursed at and ridiculed for my obvious offense of carrying our nations flag. It was clear they hate America and me. They don't just want to "reimagine the police", they want to reimagine America. They want to abolish the constitution that is the very foundation of our great land. Like Obama said, America is "fundamentally flawed".

The men and women with black hoodies and backpacks, are Biden's strongest base. And now that this militant arm of the DNC feels they helped Biden get elected, they have demands.

They know that's how business works in DC. Everyone gets a payoff. Look at how hard they have worked at destroying America...that's worth something.

Even after their candidate and the media proclaimed the win/steal, they showed up to a Trump event. Why? Aren't they happy to be the "victors"?

Now let's take a look at "the deplorables'". Listen to this crowd singing Americas National Anthem in unison. This is a common occurrence at Trump events. So is prayer, the pledge of allegiance, chants of "U-S-A", and "We Love You!". Tens and even hundreds of thousands show up unpaid to show support for a man that they know is fighting for them.

This is a representation of the the 70+ million Americans that reject the false narrative that they, and President Donald J. Trump are bad. They REJECT the idea that our beloved land is "systemically racist".

Proof that they are right and America is NOT racist lies in the fact that some of them (myself included) bought into the false promises that smooth talking Barrack Obama sold us of "change". Many of us may have once voted for Obama hoping he would deliver to the people a fraction of what President Trump has, and not just fuel the corrupt political DC machine. So with less than 15% of America's population being black, we TWICE elected a black president. How does that happen in a systemically racist country? It doesn't. That is not to say racism doesn't exist. But calling someone racist just by the color of their skin, is in itself racist.

What did this "racist" nation get for our colorblind vote and trust? We got the most divisive president in our History. If America is historically "systemically racist" what did Biden (in 47 years) and Obama do in 8 years to effect the "much needed change"?

If nothing else, 2020 should prove how powerful big media and big tech are. Just as those who study communist subversion would tell you, unelected officials such as the media have the ability to control our minds, by controlling the narrative, and all that we are exposed to. They have done that brilliantly well with very large numbers of well-intended people.

Ironically, the media machine preyed on the good nature of people to sell a story that just isn't based on fact. They told and repeated the lies so often and in unison, that unless people were looking for the truth, media lies is all they could see.

Along with a corrupt government and global elites, the media enforced a narrative supporting unreasonable lockdown rules that bankrupted small businesses and caused alarming mental distress. The media marching orders stayed eerily on point at all times with the same messaging. When placed side-by-side each day, it's as if they all had the same script.

Riots are peaceful protests. Joe Biden campaigning from his basement was perfectly normal as long as he tells us what flavor ice cream he eats. Calling a "lid on it" for days on end while running a presidential campaign is not odd. And neither is the way that Joe seems to forget where he is or even what office he's running for.

No need to ask him questions on his record or policy. And don't expect his running mate Kamala to answer questions either...whatever questions you have, just know her answers are on point. Our potential commander in chief has to ask his handlers things like how many questions he's supposed to read, but that's cool. I'm sure he'll figure out how to fix the failed policies that he helped to create for the past 47 years. Even though he's historically supported every bad policy, let's just pretend his "ideas" like ANTIFA don't suck.

Surely, NOW we can have confidence in the "fact" that Joe's got all the awesome solutions he didn't have the past 47 years. You know, the really great ones that he held back from his pal Obama, which are sure to unite Joe with the "losers and chumps" that supported Trump. And there is just no doubt Joe will cure COVID with the vaccine that the Trump administrations "Operation Warp Speed" developed...even though his new proposed COVID guy is the same Obama/Biden chief of staff during H1N1 who said it was “luck” and not anything they did right that it (H1N1) is was “not one of the great mass casualty events in American history.”.

While we are at it, let's all wipe our memories of the fact that even liberal governors like NY Cuomo and CA Newsome praised the Trump administration for it's COVID response...until as CNN warned it, and the rioting-peaceful-protests, started "showing up in the polls".

It's an undisputed media "fact" that the global pandemic China virus is DEFINITELY all Trumps fault. He's not a medical doctor, but if Trump wasn't such a "xenophobe" and just listened to experts like Fauci, we wouldn't have saved lives by closing the borders from China so quickly. While Nancy Pelosi was yucking it up in Chinatown and Biden was calling Trump a "fear monger" for cutting off his pals

at the CCP, Trump should have ALSO shut the borders to all of Europe too. Trump killed people, NOT liberal Governors like Cuomo who are responsible for nearly half the US COVID mortalities because they ignored federal guidelines and put COVID positive patients in nursing homes with our most vulnerable Americans.

So what if Biden couldn't get more than a couple dozen people to show up for his rally's . It totally makes sense that he crushed Obamas voter turnout. Basement Biden had this election is the bag and "didn't need your vote" because he "created the most inclusive and extensive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics".

And NYC Mayor DeBlasios daughter was VERY excited about the "STEAL".

But yeah, the almost desperate efforts by all big media and tech to say THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS ELECTION FRAUD...seems totally legit. It's not like they've been caught ignoring the facts in the past.

So I'm sure the patriots that happen to love our country are gonna be totally cool with anarchist globalist that hate our country taking over in a fraudulent election.

Joe wasn't selling out America when he sold his soul. Joe Biden NEVER even talked to his son Hunter about business even though his son took over 400 flights to over 29 countries on government planes while he was VP, and there is video and audio evidence that it's a lie. Only conspiracy theorist look at facts.

And so what if Hunter Biden was the family bag-man and there is evidence of him receiving millions from foreign governments. Being discharged from the military for drug abuse doesn't disqualify him from selling access to the US via his VP dad. Like he said on a recorded phone call, he and dad just did a half a billion dollar deal with his now missing head "spy chief of China" partner.

Hunter admitted he had no qualifications for his Ukraine gig that netted him $183K a month, but it's OK because he can lean on people like his China spy-chief "partner" for expertise in international corruption. Hunter is a little too busy making incestuous pedo porn that you can find on

The media and Twitter trolls are right, Hunter Biden "isn't running for office" so never mind those facts. Honest Joe never lies, so if he said he has never talked about business with his son, we should all shut our pie holes and believe.

The Fake News media says we should worry about those troublesome Trump kids like Ivanka who's raised huge sums to help in the fight against child and human trafficking. The Trumps are horrible people compared to good old Scranton Joe's motley crew. Forget that Ivankas' husband helped President Trump broker peace in the middle east. It's not like we ever expected to see that happen in our lifetimes.

Those Trumps are just horrible people because the media TELLS us so. They also tell us Joe (who started worked in the swamp at 25) is just a great guy. He's "not sure you should trust him", but since the media does...well, we should too.

The leftist media doesn't want to talk about the 460,000 kids a year that go missing in the US, or that "up to the day of birth abortion for any reason" is ALREADY legal in 10+ liberal states like Illinois. NO. Let's talk about COVID (who the CDC admits is only solely responsible for 6% of reported deaths which is less than an average flu year) "the bad orange man", his family, and tweets.

Why Make America Great Again when you can bend over for Chinese globalist and "change the world" like Schumer (D) said. A global "great reset" will make things much better for China than a strong America.

Yeah, there is just nothing to see here folks. BLM rioters are peaceful, ANTIFA is just an "idea", there is NO deep corruption in the government, the left is NOT pushing a socialist-globalist agenda. Just shut up, put on your masks, get your Biden-Gates approved vaccine and don't you DARE try to look behind the curtain.

On second thought, this is America. And American patriots don't like shit sandwiches. We may have been silent because we don't seek conflict, but now we're joining together in prayer and patriotism. We don't slink around in the cover of darkness destroying lives and livelihoods. We wear the colors of old glory with pride and stand up for lady liberty. We don't start fights, but we won't stand for bullies either.

We only kneel in prayer, for it is "In God We Trust". We believe that "when God is with you, who is against you"?

So you just might want to ask yourself, which side resonates with you? Even if you voted for Biden, check out the stories from #Walkaway campaigns. You just might discover if you take the media wool off your eyes, Trump supporters are not the evil people the media portrays them to be...nor is President Trump. We are an imperfect group of patriotic Americans that are generally kind and inclusive.

Like our #45 POTUS Trump, we are not racist, we don't hate the LGBTQ community. What we do hate is anyone who tries to threaten our family, country, or God. When we say, God bless America", we mean it. If you choose to live in this country we expect that you would agree. If you disagree, we will gladly leave the door wide open for your exit, but you can't have our country.

When the supreme court is presented with the massive amounts of election fraud, the vicious supporters of the left are likely to be even more aggressive than they are in the examples here. This is how the paid militant left act when they believe they won, and "the big guy" successfully stole the election. They had no reason to attend a March for Trump except to seek violence.

To a Biden supporter that is non-violent it is probably a lot to grasp. You've been maliciously lied to by the media and our corrupt government who hates President Trump because the did not play by their self-interested rules. Please allow your ego to let go, and look at the facts.

President Trump is a patriot who literally hugs our flag and loves this country. Most career politicians go in to politics looking for money and fame...Trump already had both. Trump gave his $1.6 Million dollar presidential salary back to the people. He has been paid a total of $4 for the honor of serving this great land, and taking a daily beating by the corrupt press and DC swamp. Please join the side of sanity. We just want to live our lives in peace, not tyranny.

As Rich Grenell explained at a Trump rally, President DJT is a DC outsider...and his mission has been to drain the swamp and give America back to the people. JFK Jr. was a dear friend of President Trumps. 7 Days before he was assassinated, JKF said, "There's a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child. Before I leave this high and noble office, I intend to expose this plot." President Trump has taken the torch on JFK's initiative. He is fighting unimaginable and vicious powers.

I have seen many in person and online fist hand examples of evil working on behalf of Biden/Harris. In contrast, with big media, big tech, big pharma, Hollywood and more against him...the only thing that does appear to be on President Trumps side is God. While I do not know a great deal about the bible myself, I do know that God almost exclusively uses imperfect we are all only human. Donald J. Trump is a fighter with next level energy that a person of any age can admire.

So as the media continue get bolder and more obvious in their compliancy, we have a fighter in the Whitehouse. One of the few presidents that will leave the oval office with lesser personal wealth than he arrived with. As President Trump has famously said, "In reality, they're not after me. They're after you. I'm just in the way."

Our president has had our backs, and now it is time we have his.

Please help to shed light on the media darkness. Share these truth bombs with anyone that might listen. It is time we fight back with facts and prayer. God Bless America.




"The great one" explains how the left want to destroy the constitution of the UNITED STATES

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