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Our Nation is Dying! WAKE UP!

Writer's picture: Ms. Red White & BlueMs. Red White & Blue


Kids are literally dying. It HAS to stop!


Learning is nearly non-existent and teen suicide and depression are rampant. Our local leaders are LITERALLY KILLING our children! What are we going to do about it?

I received a message today from a High school student's parent today that started with, “We lost someone in our community…”

A young man's father wrote, “Covid is a complex issue. I don't have all the facts or any answers. But for Dylan, football was worth the risk. Like many, he tried almost every day, often for hours. Speed training. Weights. Nutrition. Throwing. Film. Mental skills. For Dylan, what was best for him was clear. He needed to be in school. He needed to be with his friends. He needed to be with his teammates. He needed to be able to play football."

Dylan wasn’t given that option and as a direct result, he took his own life.

It truly makes me SO SAD & angry that this young life was lost so senselessly. My tears and heartbreak for this family extend to our entire nation.

This is my son's senior year of high school…and this is the world our kids are growing up in? It is horrible. When will people WAKE UP to all the hypocrisy of the BULLSHIT of global control? COVID LIES have destroyed FAR MORE lives & businesses than the actual virus.

But COVID-19 DID cure flu 2020…virtually zero cases this year...and fewer deaths in 2020 than BOTH 2019, & 2018. THINK PEOPLE!

We are NOT each other's enemy. The people controlling the narrative (and therefore minds) are the enemy of ALL humanity.


You might hate Trumps tweets…but now they have taken care of that. The Ayatollah has an active Twitter account, but after the left believe they have secured all 3 branches of government they banned the sitting US President. The people CONTROLLING “Free speech” have totally cut off & silenced the sitting president of the United States of America. Doesn’t that frighten you? He can’t even go on Shopify or Pinterest. WTF!

Jan 6th, 2021 President DJT told his supporters to

"Peacefully & patriotically make your voices heard”. ANTIFA inspired (along with some foolish patriots, as well as some invited in by security and looking like tourists) chaos ensued. And now Speaker Pelosi is attempting to impeach President Trump…AGAIN. I heard her laptop is missing…perhaps that’s what frightens her so much?

Trump is the most pro-peace, pro-life, pro-worker, pro-freedom president we have had in our lifetime. He brokered peace deals in the middle east & shattered HUGE amounts of human & child sex trafficking rings (largely under-reported)…and the people controlling the narrative HATE HIM FOR IT! WHY? $$$

The Pope (who now says Jesus is NOT the way to our father -WHAAAAT) is against the most openly pro-life President in American history - & instead sides with US Leadership that advocates (and has allowed in 10+ states), “up to the day of birth abortion for ANY reason”. WHY?

It’s “opposite world” folks. And you know who the leader of opposite world is? Yup…the devil.

Look into “The Great Reset” which Time magazine reported on. With globalist OWNING big media, big tech, big pharma, Hollywood…who does President Trump have on his side? Did you know each Trump rally begins in prayer, and then God Bless America is sung? For those saying that patriotism is the same as Nationalism and want to compare him to Hitler. PLEASE! That is an outrageous claim and incredibly insensitive to the all the Jews that Hilter murdered.

While there are always bad apples, Trump and his supporters are not the ones calling for people's heads. I’ve personally NEVER encountered ANY violence at ANY Trump events. And Trump is certainly NOT calling for the genocide of any group of people (although he has been fighting the globalist referred to as the “Deep State” his entire presidency). Instead I found that Trump supporters are groups of people (old & young) that love God, country, & freedom. They are largely made up of people who see the hypocrisy of our leadership on the left AND many on the right. Trump and his supporters are the ones being “canceled” and removed from all platforms, denied 1st amendment rights of speech, fired from jobs, denied loans, harassed by IRA… for supporting freedom.

Meanwhile, we watched a summer of “mostly peaceful protests” which were in fact riots that destroyed countless businesses and lives. ALL of that was funded by and encouraged by the globalist left (and right). They want to SILENCE anyone who does not agree with the narrative they spin…the one that ruined lives and is bringing about government dependency.

THEY are the enemy of the people…fighting each other works perfectly to them. Enough people have to wake up to this fact.

If we don’t…we may not recognize this country we love in short time.

Was President John F. Kennedy a “conspiracy theorist”? Seven days before he was killed, he said, “I will expose the depths of corruption in our government and splinter the CIA into a million pieces”. Do you think after they killed Kennedy over 50 years ago, the corruption got better or worse? THINK!

Our government has been compliant in some wicked deeds. But just as all Chinese people are not responsible for the actions of the CCP and their treatment of Uyghurs, citizens of Hong Kong, or slave labor - WE are not wicked just because our government is. SHUT OFF any mainstream news and seek the truth for YOURSELF. Use common sense and your God-given intuition. For those that do not know, THAT is the movement that Trump started. President Trump has support from people ALL AROUND THE WORLD!

They fly American & Trump flags and say they wish Trump was their nation's leader. Many are from oppressed places (which is everywhere lately) and they want what we ALL want…to live happy and free.

With the exception of possibly a few bad apples or actors, there is no cry for violence, but instead it’s a heart-filled cry for FREEDOM. Freedom for ALL people. Trump and his followers do NOT want to genocide anyone (as Hitler did). But we do cheer on the capture and imprisonment of the wicked who prey on the world's most vulnerable and innocent…children. We condemn pedophiles and the worshippers of Satan who curse humanity.

The Patriot movement is the OPPOSITE of ”believe everything you are told”…and instead it is “question everything and do YOUR OWN research”. THINK FOR YOURSELF. Don’t just listen to media lies as fact. Think of the WORST thing you were told Trump said or did…and research it yourself. But don’t just watch the carefully crafted clip you saw on mainstream news dig a little deeper. You could start here:

For my friends that consider themselves on the left, I encourage you to look at the #Walkaway movement. Their stories are compelling. Former democrats who now see things differently…doesn’t mean Republican, but TRUTH seeking patriots. The Walk Away Movement was founded by a former gay liberal who walked away from being a lifelong Democrat after he did his own searching. Then again, you may have a hard time finding that movement now. Why? Well they too have been silenced by the “tolerant left” media oligarchs who are the enemy of free speech (though claim the opposite). They have been “de-platformed” with no warning…at the same time, these same entities silenced our duly elected sitting president.

Ask yourself this…

who is always making everything about race? Who has fueled the race war for years? Who advocated for “taking it to the streets”, and turned a blind eye to the violence and destruction until it “started showing up in the polls”?

Other than the division the leftist race “narrative” encouraged…what did Trump do in the last 4 years to hurt anyone?

Was is the “right to try bill” which saved lives?

Was is the “Abraham accord” that brought peace in the Middle East?

Was is the funding & support he gave to secure our borders and make life harder for drug and human traffickers?

Was it the long term funding of historically black colleges or the creation of Opportunity Zones that benefited minorities?

Was it that he criminalized animal cruelty?

Was it the (pre COVID) economy he built that resulted in the lowest unemployment (especially for minorities)?

Was it the “favorite nations” bill that reduced drug costs here so that we didn’t pay more for Pharma from US companies than OTHER NATIONS?

Was it that he hurt China’s pollution-spewing factories when he brought back manufacturing to America?

Was it how he made other nations accountable by calling them to pay their debts and fair share?

Was it that he gave up his $1.6 million presidential salary and took 4 years of abuse for $4?

Was it the way he didn’t start any new wars and brought troops home stopping “endless wars”?

Wars, drugs, and sex…are profitable ventures and Trump hurt them. So they want to hurt him.

They started BEFORE he even entered the oval office. Our government has spun a giant web of sick and twisted lies for a LONG time…even before JFK was assassinated. Did you know the term “conspiracy theory” was created by the CIA after Kennedy’s assassination to tarnish anyone who didn’t believe the “lone gunman” theory?

You do realize our government has admitted to using propaganda in OTHER countries to help take out THEIR leadership, right?

Lies and legal government-funded and controlled propaganda have been bending minds so that the “news” can be twisted and changed at will. Even when yesterday's report contradicts what they said the day before, people STILL believe. Don’t just check Snopes (leftist owned), and think you know the truth. DIG and be logical. WAKE UP PLEASE! I am begging you.

Trump held numerous upbeat rallies with ZERO violence and ZERO call for violence. Hate and destruction are always bad. I don’t condone it.

Nobody but nobody is safe in a nation where one side silences all dissenting views.....history has proved that.

The COVID RULES (similar to local policing per the 10th amendment) created and enforced by local leadership ARE BULLSHIT!!!!

We cannot sit by and let them continue to destroy lives, families, friendships, and businesses. The government is supposed to work for us…not for THEM and against us.

PRAY for our nation's leaders and people who seek freedom around the world.

In this madness of misinformation, PRAY that all truths are revealed, and that light is shed in all dark places.

God help us all if “President Kamala Harris” ever sits in the oval office of the United States of America.

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