Demand an Honest Election in YOUR STATE!
1. Call and politely insist on an audit of ballots & electronic voting software in your state.
2. Then, email them as well.
3. Share this with all American Patriots you know!
Receptionist: Hello. Thank you for calling our office.
You: Hello my name is ____. Today I’m calling to urge [REPRESENTATIVE NAME] to support a transparent audit of votes in our state to protect all legal votes. There have been proven irregularities nationwide, including with electronic voting systems.
Receptionist: Great. We will make a note of this for the Representative. Is there anything else I can help you with?
You: No, thank you. I’m only calling to ask [REPRESENTATIVE NAME] to support electoral transparency and integrity, with an urgent audit of both ballots AND electronic voting systems.
• Often, you may receive an automated message with an option to leave a message or speak directly to a staff member. If you are calling during business hours, it is best to speak directly to a staff member.
• The receptionist may ask for your name, email address, or zip code. This is normal and used to track how many phone calls were received on any particular issue.
• DO NOT BE AFRAID to call! And do not be afraid to call reps OUTSIDE of your state!
• The MOST POWERFUL way to make your voice heard is by calling & emailing your reps. Please do so ASAP, and please share.
Prioritize calling people in this order:
1. Your local state House representative.
2. Your local state Senator
3. ALL other states
Karen Fann1RKFANN@azleg.gov(602) 926-5874Senator PresidentNoel Campbell1RNCAMPBELL@azleg.gov(602) 926-3124House RepresentativeSteve Pierce1RSPIERCE@azleg.gov(602) 926-5584House RepresentativeAndrea Dalessandro2DADALESSANDRO@azleg.gov(602) 926-5342SenatorDaniel Hernandez, Jr.2DDHERNANDEZ@azleg.gov(602) 926-4840House RepresentativeRosanna Gabaldón2DRGABALDON@azleg.gov(602) 926-3424House RepresentativeAlma Hernandez3DAHERNANDEZ@azleg.gov(602) 926-3136House RepresentativeAndres Cano3DACANO@azleg.gov(602) 926-3027House RepresentativeSally Ann Gonzales3DSGONZALES@azleg.gov(602) 926-3278SenatorCharlene R. Fernandez4DCFERNANDEZ@azleg.gov(602) 926-3098House Representative Minority Leader