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WHOA!: "Friendlies have the servers" Dominion employees on the run & ballots getting shredded!

Writer's picture: Ms. Red White & BlueMs. Red White & Blue

While the mainstream media gaslight election fraud claims, evidence of nationwide fraud is building. Powell says it is no longer a firehose, "it's a tsunami". Speaking to NewsMax Howie Carr, She estimates that Trump had roughly 7 million votes due to software fraud, not including the dead people who voted and ballot harvesting. She estimates that Biden has a 10+ million fraudulent votes.

Sidney also confirmed that Dominion employee Eric Coomer on a recored call with ANTIFA member said, “don’t worry about Trump, I’ve made sure he will lose the election”. He is now missing.

Powell also confirms that Dominion Spanish partner Scytl's servers in Germany are in the hands of friendlies and now being used to collect data. She hopes to release bits to people like Glen Beck as soon as this weekend.

Does this explain why Dominion voting systems employees are hiding and deleted ALL their social media accounts? What do criminals do when they are on the run? Well, they destroy evidence, as this brave patriot who witnessed and filmed a truck leaving with ballots she saw being shredded. Another thing criminals do, is make mistakes. Because President Trump was winning by such a large margin, the deep state criminals trying to invalidate the voice of the people and steal this election panicked...and they made a lot of mistakes.

Yesterday the Trump legal team delivered a shocking 90 minute press conference where they outlined an opening statement highlighting an overwhelming about of evidence that they intend to present in court. The suggestion is that there has been an organized effort to hijack the 2020 U.S. Presidential election.

Hundreds of witnesses crossing party lines have come forward to sign sworn affidavits of the corruption they have witnessed. Thousands more ordinary civilians with diverse skills are helping to expose the truth. Researches, world renown mathematicians, statisticians and hackers have all joined the fight. So have undercover journalists, bloggers, researchers, digital soldiers, and stay at home moms. Patriots in and outside of America are standing up for truth and justice to preserve freedom not just for America, but for all people who seek a just and free world. When the Trump team says they have evidence, don't underestimate what a small team who walk with God can do.

One of the main companies involved is running for the hills.

Everyone, literally EVERYONE employed by Dominion is deleting their social media accounts. I wonder why ALL these people deleted their profiles? That is the tell all sign on just how corrupt they are.

Dominion's user manual reveals that the voting software can permit staff to manually adjust ballot returns during counting process.

Dominion representatives who were scheduled to testify in PA today backed out of their commitment and will not appear.

A tech security expert claims Dominions manual actually states that it is "high" risk for tampering. Talking to Glenn Beck he wonders why a system would intentionally be built with so many ways of tampering.

Interesting how all the same names and players seem to show up. While there is deep corruption that crosses party lines, all roads often lead to the Clintons. Not only did the Clinton Foundation receive donations from Dominion, but the Clinton Foundation has a joint project with Dominion called DELIAN Project. As it turns out, key members of Dominion Software voting system that “glitched” in favor of Joe Biden have ties that go back to Hillary Clinton .

There are those that know that hacking an election is something the U.S. government has participated in to influence elections in other countries.

Attorney Sidney Powell confirmed in the press conference that U.S. Army troops confiscated Scytl servers.

Sources since indicate Scytl servers were indeed confiscated in Germany by "our forces" Evidence indicates there were lines into the servers from FOUR Foreign Countries, all "extremely adverse to the interests to the United States"

Attorney Lin Wood confirmed that the software companies named in lawsuits by the Trump team include, Dominion, Scytl, SGO Smartmatic, and Clarity. Lin also said on NewsMax that China has heavily invested in Georgia.


In the press conference, Rudy Giuliani said widespread adoption of vote-by-mail allowed Democrats to take big-city corruption practices nationwide. “They picked the places where they could get away with it.”

Here are the key allegations the lawyers presented:

1. Observers were prevented from watching mail-in ballots being opened. Those votes, he said, were “null and void,” especially where the envelopes had been discarded, making recounts useless.

2. Allegedly unequal application of the law in Democratic counties. In Pennsylvania, whose state supreme court created new, relaxed voting rules before the election, Giuliani alleged that absentee voters in Democratic counties were allowed to “cure” defects in their ballots, while voters in Republican counties, which obeyed the state law as written, were not.

3. Voters allegedly arrived at the polls to discover other people had voted for them. He alleged that Democrats had filled out absentee ballots for other people, hoping they would not show up.

4. Election officials were allegedly told not to look for defects in ballots, and to backdate ballots.

5. Ballots casting votes for Joe Biden and no other candidates were allegedly run several times through machines. Giuliani said that there were 60 witnesses in Michigan who would attest to ballots being “produced” quickly and counted twice or thrice and more. He said that a minimum of 60,000 ballots were affected.

6. Absentee ballots were accepted in Wisconsin without being applied for first. There is also evidence of a 100,000+ ballot dump 100% for Biden with no down-voting at 3:42 am after the count had stopped

7. There were some precincts allegedly recording more voters than residents. According to Powell as much as 350% in some counties.

8. Voting machines and software are allegedly owned by companies with ties to the Venezuelan regime and to left-wing donor George Soros. Sidney Powell argued that U.S. votes were being counted overseas, and that Dominion voting machines and Smartmatic software were controlled by foreign interests, manipulating algorithms to change the results. Powell noted specifically that Smartmatic’s owners included two Venezuelan nationals, whom she alleges to have ties to the regime of Hugo Chavez and Nicolas Maduro. The legal team alleged that there were statistical anomalies, such as huge batches of votes for Biden, that could not be explained except as manipulation — which, they alleged, happened in the wee hours of the morning as vote-counting had stalled. (The companies have disputed these allegations vigorously.)

9. The Constitution provides a process for electing a president if the vote is corrupted. Jenna Ellis argued that the media, had usurped the power to declare the winner of the election. She made the point, citing Federalist No. 68, that the constitutional process of selecting a president had procedural safeguards against corruption and foreign influence. Giuliani said that the campaign believed that enough votes were flawed — more than double the margins between Biden and Trump in key states — that the president had a path to victory.

10. Giuliani presented evidence in the form of sworn affidavits, citing two and noting that the campaign had many more from private individuals.

Many other issues were found as well but the global elite owned media refuse to cover it.


Other strange occurrences include multiple outdated voting machines found dumped on the side of the road in the Savannah GA, area on Thursday. According to a Dahlonega, Ga. woman, the machines were found in a grassy area by the Blueberry Hill Bar & Grill on Dean Forest Road in Garden City.

Facebook founder Mark Zuckeberg donated $350 million between September 1 and October 31 to the CTCL “safe elections” project, as Breitbart News reported.

Critics say those funds were used to privatize the administration of the 2020 election and help Democrats Get-Out-the-Vote.

In the key state of Georgia, most of Joe Biden’s vote margin gain came from three metropolitan Atlanta counties that received more than $18 million from the Mark Zuckerberg-funded Center for Technology and Civic Life (CTCL) “safe elections” project. Interesting how so many of the same names keep coming up.

Another strange happening in the 2020 election saga is that laptop USB drives were stolen from a Philly election-staging site.

There is a lot of tricky match happening in this election, including running the same ballots through up to 10 times.

I am sure there was NO BAIS at all in the Georgia recount, no matter what pictures like the one below suggest. The mockingbird media say everything is on the up-and-up so I am just going to shut off my logical brain, believe, and obey.

And who is threatening the team helping Trump? We know AOC and here left wing cronies have vowed to "blacklist" anyone who supports Trump in any way, so that we can never work and feed our families again. And prominent global firm Jones Day resigned as a result of pressure. But why would lawyers helping Trump have gotten death threats? If Biden won fairly shouldn't they invite transparency?

The evidence already in the public is overwhelming. One Trump lawyer told Lou Dobbs about thousands of incidences of fraud in Nevada.

"But let not your hearts be trouble patriots", the truth will be forthcoming. Dominion partner servers WERE captured in Germany by the U.S. Army, and rumor has it the good guys have them. We are unlikely to ever know the exact count as the fraud was so wide spread and with so many tactics, but it's looking to be in the millions. As Joe Biden eerily reveiled in his zoombie state, "we have put together the most inclusive and extensive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics". I wonder why the Lame-steam media never asks him what he meant by that? It's not as if he has been claiming fraud on the part of the Trump why did he need this "organization"?

Let's not forget, election Day was November 7 in the year 2000. The Supreme Court issued its opinion in Bush v. Gore on December 12, resolving the legal challenges. It took 36 days for the process to resolve one issue in one state. We are on day 14 with issues in at least 5 states. Buckle up!

Rest assured...#45 President Donald J.Trump won the 2020 election in a landslide. Pray, share and have faith.

Justice will be served and God will win.


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