Trump War Room/Twitte
By AL PERROTTA | November 16, 2020
I love coincidences! And right now, we are surrounded by so many, we can pick ’em like daisies and make a lovely bouquet. If Joe Biden … the man who thought he was running for the Senate and couldn’t draw flies to a manure factory … actually won, it would be the result of the most amazing run of coincidences in modern world history. The Lucky Coincidences of Dominion and Friends Sure, it is mere coincidence that the president of Smartmatic, the subsidiary of Dominion Voting Systems, the software and hardware responsible for tabulating ballots in swing states and beyond, is now part of the Biden transition team. Sure, it’s a coincidence that Smartmatic’s chairman is a pal and business associate of George Soros. Sure, it’s a coincidence that Smartmatic’s software has a long history of being used in dubious elections worldwide. Sure, it’s a coincidence the same media that used to report on the issues with Smartmatic and Dominion Voting Systems are suddenly silent about their own past reporting. Sure, it is a coincidence that the top security guy at Dominion is an Antifa guy who allegedly told an Antifa chat room in September, “Don’t worry about the election, Trump’s not gonna win. I made f*cking sure of that!” Sure, it is a coincidence that so many Democratic-controlled states choose Dominion Election Systems to tabulate their ballots despite security flaws so egregious the Associated Press and election security experts were shouting about it from the rooftops. Sure, it is a coincidence that Dominion’s lobbyists include Pelosi’s former chief of staff and a top aide to Georgia’s Gov. Brian Kemp. Sure, it is a coincidence that Georgia announced it was halting counting for four hours because of “a pipe burst” … when, in fact, they lied about a minor leak fixed in 90 minutes. Sure, it’s a coincidence that Dominion has ties to the Clinton Foundation and George Soros. Sure, it is a coincidence that the six states that suddenly and inexplicably stopped counting were the six swing states where Trump had built a massive lead. All about the same time. Sure, it is a coincidence these six states all had the Dominion Voting System. The Coincidence of Joe of Winning Big Exactly Where He Needed to Win Sure, it’s a coincidence that Joe Biden outperformed Hillary Clinton in four and only four major cities … and all four just happened to be in four swing states that stopped the count and had masses of votes for Biden pop up out of nowhere, and saw Biden score numbers and percentages Obama and Clinton could only dream of. Indeed, the vote totals in these place often exceeded the number of registered voters. Sure, it’s a coincidence that Donald Trump won 19 of the 20 counties that have picked the winner of every single presidential election since Reagan by an average of 16, but Biden pulled off the win. Sure, it’s a coincidence that state races were quickly called for Biden and not called for Trump. Sure, it is a coincidence Biden managed to add countless votes overnight right after witnesses swear (under penalty of law) they saw wagons and coolers and crates of ballots role in ballot centers … in swing state cities where Biden was running further behind than expected. Sure, it’s a coincidence that the rejection rate for mail-in ballots dropped by a factor of 30 in Pennsylvania. Sure, it’s a coincidence that, according to Sidney Powell, nearly half a million ballots were cast with only Joe Biden’s name marked and nothing down ballot. Other Glorious Coincidences Sure, it’s just a coincidence USBs and election laptops were stolen in both Philadelphia and Georgia in the days before the election. Sure, it is a coincidence that Pfizer waited until after the election to announce its vaccine success … and that the president of Joe Biden’s cancer charity is a former Pfizer executive. Sure, it’s a coincidence that the only tweets that Twitter is blocking or flagging are ones that deviate from the “Biden Won” narrative. Sure, it’s a coincidence that analysts or websites that question the narrative are being kicked off social media and/or de-platformed. What are the Odds? What are the odds of all of these coincidences and oddities occurring in this election? All in Biden’s favor? What is more reasonable to believe? These are all amazing coincidences or not coincidence at all? What is the more reasonable explanation: Joe Biden won crucial swing states fair and square — despite getting blown away in bellweather Ohio and Florida, despite being down by hundreds of thousands of votes until the mysterious shutdowns in counting, despite Trump outperforming Biden campaign’s own expectations, despite underperforming Hillary Clinton everywhere else in the country, despite not campaigning, despite having no ground game, despite having zero enthusiasm, despite losing support among minorities, despite pushing policies at odds with the desires of the public, despite aligning himself with BLM and Antifa. And despite having trouble executing a coherent sentence. Or Joe Biden was given a “victory” in those crucial swing cities — via the assistance of election hardware and software notoriously susceptible to fraud and manipulation, owned and operated by people with alliances to Biden and the Democrats and hellbent on getting Trump out; via Democratic (and corrupt) machines in Philly, Detroit, Milwaukee and Atlanta hellbent on winning, taking advantage of a dubious “mail-in ballot” scheme and last minute voting procedure changes via cities where workers were caught dragging crates of ballots, creating Biden votes out of thin air, and refused to allow Republicans to watch the counting of mail-in ballots; via postal workers told to backdate late ballots; via workers illegally tossed voting envelopes, where signature matching was greatly reduced or tossed out all together. We are being ordered to ignore common sense, public data, election history, Biden’s history and our own eyes. Just concede defeat and accept the beating. (Literally, in the case of Trump supporters at the hands of Biden’s BLM and Antifa Brigades.) What are the odds of the American people letting that happen? A Trip to Vegas
We leave you with this. If there is one city on the planet that knows odds and knows corruption it’s Las Vegas. Conservative commentator Wayne Root happens to be a former odds-maker and gaming expert. He notes some extremely peculiar betting behavior Election Night and into the next day. Read how he and fellow bookies smell a rat. Of course, maybe it’s all coincidence. But I’m not betting on it. Al Perrotta is the Managing Editor of The Stream and co-author, with @JZmirak, of The Politically Incorrect Guide to Immigration. You can follow him at @StreamingAl. And if you aren’t already, please follow The Stream at @Streamdotorg.